This is a single-page website that allows a user to filter 6 top news story categories via the New York Times API.
I used a mobile-first approach and then optimized the website for 2 more screen sizes: 600px (a tablet version) and 1000px (a desktop version).
- Used html mark-up to structure the webpage (e.g. tags section, div, nav, header, footer, etc.)
- Used a
- Used Sass as a preprocessor, minified CSS
- Used Gulp to compile Sass and check errors
- Used CSS3 transition while resizing the header area
- Used CSS3 transitions to slowly show and hide the article abstract on hover
- Used Ajax to get data from the NYT Top Stories
- Displayed only 12 news with photos in the grid
- Incorporated a loading gif to show up on the website while a user is transitioned between two states