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Lauren Hart edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 11 revisions



  • A rocky start, but we ended the day well.
  • Completed all our tickets for the following day
  • Mapped out our routes, db functions and data tables
  • Mapped out wire frames


  • Git hub - had an outage of internet causing a branch to not merge correctly. We were able to push the branch up again
  • Filming was really intrusive and hard to focus. But we stood our ground and declined.
  • Github reviewing was excellent today. Great communication, not many conflicts.
  • We addressed the size of our scope and held a meeting to narrow it down and be more achievable, and as a result we have achieved more than we thought we would.
  • Team walk for fresh air was good.
  • We were easily distracted today, but we managed to get on with our tickets.
  • We were good at not staying blocked for long, and asked for help when we needed it.


  • This morning we ironed out some issues we were having with our input fields on the register component. When we removed the state from the user object we had it working.
  • We successfully tested our post login route, we mobbed programmed it. This worked really well, we were all learning from it and could all enjoy the satisfaction of getting it to work.
  • We had a great team lunch (missed Lisa though).
  • Git hub pull requests are going smoothly, we are good at opening new branches, merging the pull requests and pulling down development often.
  • We have most of our MVP completed we are waiting on the token for the auth in order to complete the profile and add product pages.
  • Token isn't working. A random hash key works, but the ENV file isn't working.
  • Blocked on suburb search, we are getting a success message even though the object is empty. Blocked for at least two hours. Had Emily working on it too. Eventually we with a lot of persistent and eyes we managed to solve it. Major win for today.
  • Air con smelt


  • We have gone through some testing (not tdd) to pick up any bugs and what we need to do for the day
  • Lauren and Emma were blocked for a while on mapping state to props. Spent most of the day figuring it out. Ev* eventually got there with the help of Emily/George. We just needed a ternary to check if props was actually there first before mapping over it. We were disappointed with the length of time we spent on it, but on the plus side a lot was learnt about redux, state, props and debugging. Was a good win when we got there.
  • Token is working now
  • Have more seed data to work with.


  • Working on map functionality - Lisa and Amy. Look at markers function.
  • Lauren and Emma are working on trying to get some tests up and running
  • Zaine is working on the auth and ID/token


  • Today was an interesting day... we came across many issues.
  • The token was our biggest block
  • Design decision this morning to go in a different direction
  • We had some major git hub issues, we have committed to committing more tomorrow.
  • We got two tests running
  • We got register to work
  • Map works, we can plot points now
  • Component did mount for re-rendering, was difficult to get the guidance we needed on that


  • Team morale is up today, spirits are high. Things are starting to fall into place.
  • Our knowledge of redux is getting better and we are feeling more confident. We managed to add a product to a user ID and were able to retrieve it from the store to display on the seller's profile page
  • Styling looks amazing! Still got a few things to work on.
  • We are all feeling really excited about our product.
  • Working with Zaine this morning to talk over getting the id from local storage to be able to use. We feel like we are slowly starting to understand a bit of auth too.
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