- Install
- https://docs.brew.sh/InstallationXcode-select —install
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Clone that repo (~/dotfiles is preffered dir to use stow without extra arguments)
brew install asdf
- Run
- Run
sudo brew.sh
- Use GNU stow to create symlinks to the configs
stow nvim alacritty tmux
- Install chrome extensions like 1password
- Generate ssh keys
- Install apps manually from a store (e.g. Things 3)
- Set up startup applications manually
- Install zsh and tmux plugins, check nested Readme files
- To finish nvim installation run
- Config git global and local settings, like
git config set --global user.email ...
- automate installation of zsh plugins
- install tmux plugin manager (tpm)[https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm] ??
- run asdf before brew.sh (add it to the steps above)
- chrome extensions
- automate installation