Repo to house scripts to build a docker container for the Raspberry Pi
As a start, the aim is to build a container that is running:
- R
- Shiny Server
- RStudio Server
The container will run on a Raspberry Pi 3 on my local network.
The dockerfile contains the following steps:
- Start with image resin/raspberrypi3-debian:stretch
- Install the latest version of R
- Install some build dependencies
- Build and install cmake from source (this may not be necessary)
- Install shiny R package
- Install tidyverse R package
- Create a shiny user
- Install shiny-server (as the shiny user created above)
- Make install shiny-server
- Shiny-server post-install
- Copies a working init.d file and start script
- exposes port 3838
Further plans:
- Remove cmake build
- Install rstudio-server