This repo is an ongoing exploration of Machine Learning models.
Current objectives:
- Unsupervised models
- Hyperparameter Tuning
Not the best model because of its low r-score: 0.104...
The multi_linear regression is better suited for "binary problems".
The dataset we have is more aligned with a classification model.
The KNN model produce a moderate, initial r-score: 0.832...
Parameters were adjusted by importing GridSearchCV. These parameters were:
- n_neighbors
- weights
- algorithm
After parameter adjustment, there was a small increase in r-score: 0.837...
best given parameters: {'algorithm': 'auto', 'n_neighbors': 11, 'weights': 'distance'}
Accuracy below 0.84 prior to adjusting 'number_hidden_nodes' parameter.
Adjusted 'number_hidden_nodes' from 4 to 100, accuracy increased to 0.88 with a loss of 1.11.
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense
number_inputs = 40
number_hidden_nodes = 100
activation='relu', input_dim=number_inputs))
The keras model seems to be the best performing model in terms of accuracy.
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