This is a project to implement, test and evaluate different local and global optimisation algorithms for solving the area optimal polygonisation problem, using the CGAL library.
This software was written collaboratively by Nikos Alexandris and Panagiotis Iatrou.
- Incremental
- Convex Hull
- Local Search
- Simulated Annealing
- Local Step
- Global Step
- Subdivision
x axis: number of vertices
y axis: score
A Dockerfile is also provided for building the project in a container.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
cd ..
./build/evaluate -i instances/data/images -o stats.txt
python scripts/ stats.txt
docker build -t <image_name> -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it --rm <image_name>
# in docker shell now...
cd root/AreaOptimalPolygonisation/
# same steps as Build from here on...