#Vkontakte iOS SDK UIViewController for captcha example
UIViewController for working with VK captcha using Vkontakte iOS SDK. Earlier it could be realized via UIAlertView, but in iOS 7 adding subviews in UIAlertView was deprecated.
Vkontakte iOS SDK repo.
#Code Example RootViewController.h
#import "VKCaptchaViewController.h"
@interface RootViewController : UIViewController <VKConnectorDelegate, VKRequestDelegate, VKCaptchaVCProtocol> {
NSString *captchaSessionId;
#pragma mark - VKConnectorDelegate
- (void)VKRequest:(VKRequest *)request captchaSid:(NSString *)captchaSid captchaImage:(NSString *)captchaImage {
if ( captchaSessionId == nil ) {
captchaSessionId = captchaSid;
[self getCaptchaWithUrl:captchaImage];
- (void)getCaptchaWithUrl:(NSString *)captcha_img {
VKCaptchaViewController *captchaView = [[VKCaptchaViewController alloc] init];
captchaView.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:captchaView animated:YES completion:^() {
captchaView.captchaImg.image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:captcha_img]]];
- (void)captchaEnteredWithValue:(NSString *)captchaValue {
/* your code, for example: */
VKRequestManager *rm = [[VKRequestManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self user:[VKUser currentUser]];
rm wallPost:@{
@"owner_id": @([VKUser currentUser].accessToken.userID),
@"message" : @"I wrestled this captcha!",
@"captcha_sid" : captchaSessionId,
@"captcha_key" : captchaText