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obergshavefun edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the ICAP wiki!


Currently version 2.0 is in progress and is represented by the Github repository. Version 1.6 is available in binary form from


Tutorial data for version 1.6 is available from

Contained within the zip file is a PDF file that provides a detailed walk-through of the program. To run the program, simply open the example input file and press the run button.

In addition, an example conveyance analysis with comparison to HEC-RAS and hand calculations was performed. The report is available at

Building ICAP

Clone the Git repository

Download Boost

Download a binary distribution or build Boost ( Place it in the icap/deps/boost directory (make sure that the contents of the Boost distribution are in that directory, not a subdirectory). Alternatively, if it is located elsewhere you can make hard link (Linux) or junction point (Windows) to the icap/deps/boost directory.

Clone this wiki locally