A generic pipeline that can be run routinely on all Illumina sequence runs, regardless of the project or organism of interest.
- Sequence quality information
- Possible contamination
- Parse run-level QC statistics from the 'InterOp' directory and write to
format. - FastQC: sample-level sequence quality metrics
- Kraken2 + Bracken: Taxonomic classification of reads. Estimation of relative abundances of taxonomic groups (genus, species) in each sample.
- MultiQC: Collect several QC metrics into a single interactive HTML report.
nextflow run BCCDC-PHL/routine-sequence-qc \
[--instrument_type nextseq] \
[--kraken2_db /path/to/kraken2_db] \
[--bracken_db /path/to/bracken_db] \
--run_dir <your illumina run directory> \
--outdir <output directory>
├── abundance_top_n
│ ├── top_3_abundances_genus.csv
│ └── top_5_abundances_species.csv
├── bracken
│ ├── <sample_id>_Genus_bracken_abundances.tsv
│ ├── <sample_id>_Genus_bracken.txt
│ ├── <sample_id>_Species_bracken_abundances.tsv
│ ├── <sample_id>_Species_bracken.txt
│ ├── ...
├── fastqc
│ ├── <sample_id>_R1_fastqc
│ ├── <sample_id>_R2_fastqc
│ ├── ...
├── interop_summary
│ ├── interop_index-summary.csv
│ └── interop_summary.csv
├── kraken2
│ ├── <sample_id>_kraken2.txt
│ ├── ...
├── multiqc
│ ├── multiqc_data
│ └── multiqc_report.html
└── parse_sample_sheet
└── sample_sheet.json