Our Webspace is hosted by Manitu. It consists of:
- Website Hosting
- Domains
- SQL databases
- Email hosting
Login pages:
- https://webmail.manitu.de/: for your emails.
- https://mein.manitu.de/login/: for access to web hosting and to the domain management console (admin-only).
- https://correlaid.org/siteadmin : for access to email and user management console (admin-only).
{% hint style="info" %} Want to help us with administering our website or our email hosting? Ask Frie (@Frie) on Slack for access. {% endhint %}
At Manitu, there is a distinction between username and your email address. This can be confusing because usually your username is also your email address (e.g. at gmail). In the following, we want to clear this up.
Your username has the following pattern: {firstname}-{lastname}, e.g. frie-preu. Depending on context, you might also need to add @correlaid.org, i.e. [email protected]. Your username is associated with your inbox. Your inbox is the place where all of your emails are stored. Note: your username is not an email address (even though it looks like it): emails sent to [email protected] will not be delivered.
To deliver emails to your inbox, we associate it with one or more email addresses. In Manitu terms, the user is the "target" (de: Ziel) of an email address.
There are several types of email addresses at CorrelAid.
- personal email addresses: {firstname}.{first_letter_of_last_name}@correlaid.org
- CorrelAidX chapter addresses: {city}@correlaid.org, e.g. [email protected] or [email protected]
- other email addresses: {topic}@correlaid.org, e.g. [email protected].
Each user / inbox can be the "target" of one or more email addresses. For example, the user / inbox frie-preu will get all emails that are sent to: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. Other people are only the target of one address, e.g. our data security person is only the "target" of [email protected]. He does not have a personal email address.
On the other hand, some email addresses have multiple "targets". Those are known as "distribution emails" (de: Verteiler). One example is [email protected]: Both Frie and Johannes receive those emails.
You can find the basic settings for configuring your email client (e.g. Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail) in the Manitu Wiki.
{% hint style="danger" %} The following only applies if you have a Manitu account. Sometimes, we also have configured forwarding to external email addresses (such as your personal gmail address). In this case, you log into your own email address (e.g. gmail) to read your CorrelAid emails. If you're unsure, ask Frie. {% endhint %}
For your personal CorrelAid address (e.g. [email protected]), you use:
- email address / Email-Adresse: your email address, e.g. [email protected]
- username / Benutzername: your username, e.g. [email protected]
- password: your password for Manitu.
- for the server information, please see the Manitu wiki
What this will enable you to do:
- read all emails that are sent to email addresses that your user name is a "target" for, e.g. Frie can read all emails sent to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
- send from your personal address, e.g. Frie can reply to emails as [email protected].
In case you are the "target" of a CorrelAid distribution email like [email protected], [email protected] etc. you can add it to your favorite email client by using:
- email address / Email-Adresse: the email address you want to add, e.g. [email protected]
- username / Benutzername: your username, e.g. [email protected]
- password: your personal password for Manitu. There is no separate password for distribution emails.
- for the server information, please see the Manitu wiki
What this will enable you to do:
- read __emails that are sent to all email addresses that your user name is a "target" for, e.g. for Frie, it will contain all emails sent to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This is a bit counterintuitive but you are logging into your personal inbox (firstname-lastname) ****which contains all of your emails, regardless of
- send using the distribution email, e.g. Frie can reply to emails using [email protected].
{% hint style="warning" %} You don't have to add (all) distribution emails you are a "target" of separately to your email client. You can already read all of them by just adding your personal email. However, if you only add your personal email address, you won't be able to reply using the distribution email, i.e. all your replies will come from your personal email address. {% endhint %}
Please ask @Jan (Jan Dix) on Slack.
Please see the guide above.