1.- Create a spOptions (Service Provider Options) to create Service Provider:
// Create service provider for any entity
const spOptions = {
entity_id: `http://${domain}/${entity}/metadata.xml`,
private_key: privateKey.export({ type: "pkcs1", format: "pem" }),
certificate: publicKey.export({ type: "pkcs1", format: "pem" }),
assert_endpoint: `http://${domain}/${entity}/assert`,
allow_unencrypted_assertion: true,
const sp = new saml2.ServiceProvider(spOptions);
2.- Create a idpOptions (Identity Provider Options) to setup the Identity Provider
// Create identity provider
const idpOptions = {
sso_login_url: "{{login_url}}",
sso_logout_url: "{{logout_url}}",
// Request idp certificate and setup it at the next line.
certificates: [fs.readFileSync("certificate-idp.pem").toString()],
const idp = new saml2.IdentityProvider(idpOptions);
3.- Create 3 endpoints to receive the request from node application and identity provider
// Endpoint to retrieve metadata for Azure
app.get(`${enity}/metadata.xml`, function (req, res) {
// Starting point for login
app.get(`${enity}/login`, function (req, res) {
sp_azure.create_login_request_url(idp_azure,{}, function (err, login_url, request_id) {
if (err != null) return res.send(500);
// Assert endpoint for when login completes
app.post(`${enity}/assert`, function (req, res) {
sp_azure.post_assert(idp_azure, { request_body: req.body }, function (err, saml_response) {
if (err != null) {
return res.sendStatus(500);
console.log({ saml_response });
// Sign JWT token & return