A PHP library for the Pingdom API.
Install the library using composer by adding the following to composer.json
in the root of your project:
"require": {
"nkeenan38/phppingdom": "1.0.*"
Use the generated vendor/.composer/autoload.php
file to autoload the library classes.
You will need a Pingdom application key for authorizatioon. Follow their documentation to generate an application key inside the Pingdom control panel.
$token = ''; // Pingdom application key (32 characters)
$pingdom = new \Pingdom\Client($token);
// List of probe servers
$probes = $pingdom->getProbes();
foreach ($probes as $probe) {
echo $probe->getName() . PHP_EOL;
// List of checks
$checks = $pingdom->getChecks();
foreach ($checks as $check) {
$results = $pingdom->getResults($check['id']);