This a short tutorial for extrinsic calibration of Pepper's Depth and RGB cameras.
First of all, print a calibration pattern (a chessboard) if you do not have any. We would recommend A3 size. Once you have it, count the number of rows and columns and measure a size of a square. Adjust these parameters in launch/calibration_cameras_pepper.launch:
- define the numbers of columns -1
- define the numbers of rows -1
- define the size of one square in m
- turn on your robot, wake up, and move the head to the "zero" pose, for example
ssh nao@<PEPPER_IP>
qicli call ALMotion.wakeUp
qicli call ALMotion.setAngles "HeadPitch" 0.0 0.3
take two post-it (one on the top of enougher) and fix it on the right eye of Pepper (to cover this eye with the camera inside)
start Naoqi Driver, ensuring that color and IR images are enabled in share/boot_config.json
roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:=<PEPPER_IP>
- create an empty folder for data recording and provide its name in launch/extrinsic_calibration_pepper.launch
- update ROS topics for color and IR images in launch/extrinsic_calibration_pepper.launch
- launch the code:
roslaunch extrinsic_calibration extrinsic_calibration_pepper.launch
- if the software can subscribe to ROS topics, then you should see an image from a color camera
- place the calibration pattern in front of the robot
- once the pattern is detected (you can see all detected crossings), press "s" on your keyboard to save images from both cameras
- repeat 2 previous steps each time changing a distance and/or an angle to cover different views (at 60cm-80m distance) until you reach a sufficient number of image pairs (for example, 30 times or more)
- launch the code to compute extrinsic parameters based on recorded images:
roslaunch extrinsic_calibration extrinsic_calibration_pepper.launch
- press "c" on your keyboard to compute calibration values
- check if the resulted XYZ and RPY for last processed image pair correspond to the reality
The extrinsic parameters obtained for our Pepper are:
XYZ: 0.0708098 0.02 0.118115
RPY: -1.5936 -0.0161345 -1.57777
There are two possible ways to applying the extrinsic parameters:
- using ROS static_transform_publisher
- updating the position of the camera in the URDF
An example of using static_transform_publisher is shown in register_depth.launch of Naoqi Driver. You can update the values in register_depth.launch in your workspace. The order of the values is: x y z yaw pitch roll. Once updted, launch this file in addition to naoqi_driver:
roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:=<PEPPER_IP>
roslaunch naoqi_driver register_depth.launch
Alternatively, you can update the parameters directly in the URDF file:
- update RPY values in
- update XYZ values in
- generate a new pepper.URDF file, for example
roscd pepper_description
cd urdf/pepper1.0_generated_urdf/
rosrun xacro -o pepper.urdf pepper_robot.xacro
- start Naoqi Driver as usual