Ultra is a web framework that leans hard into your browser's native features. Embrace the future of ES Modules, Import Maps, and Web Streams. All while supporting some of the non-standards that many normal people love for some reason (JSX and TypeScript).
It's driven by the following hot-takes:
- ESM is non-negotiable in {currentYear}
- SSR is non-negotiable in {currentYear}
- Bundling is an anti-pattern in {currentYear}
- Data can be requested anywhere, and is accessible on the server, always
- Lazy routing with dynamic imports trumps FS routing
- Less magic in tooling and frameworks is a good thing
- Simplify your workflow and tech stack at all costs - life is too short
- Streams are neat
Warning: The following is built around the alpha version of React 18. Mileage may vary.
Here are some neat demos:
Demo (taken from React's release announcement)
Threejs, react, no build, no bundle
The most minimal setup of Ultra can be found at /examples/boilerplate. There are more /examples as well.
Everything is ES Modules. Server side rendering is default. Have the quickest TTFB by using the React streaming server renderer.
# HTTP/2 200
* Received 1259 B chunk
* Received 1989 B chunk
* Received 552 B chunk
Import Maps are used to manage 3rd party dependencies. No bundling, building or complex package managers needed.
"imports": {
"react": "https://esm.sh/react@alpha",
"react-dom": "https://esm.sh/react-dom@alpha"
Under the hood: We use esbuild + SWC to transpile jsx/tsx in realtime. Your single ES modules stay single ES modules, but as minified vanilla js, with your import maps inlined.
Note: In development, modules are transpiled every request. In production, transpiled modules are stored in an LRU cache. π
Stop poking around at your filesystem. Routing can be defined anywhere in your app, and dynamic imports will ensure only relevant route files are downloaded at any given time.
Powered by Wouter. Ah, what a breath of fresh air...
All Wouter hooks and functionality is supported: Wouter docs
import React, { Suspense } from "react";
import { Route } from "wouter";
const Home = lazy(() => import("./home.jsx"));
const App = () => {
return (
<Route path="/">
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<Home />
SWR lets us fetch data anywhere in our components, works with Suspense everywhere.
Ultra uses the brand new SWR-1.0.0. This allows building of a cache server side, and repopulating on client side. Please see example here.
SWR options are supported: SWR docs
import { SWRConfig } from "swr";
import ultraCache from "ultra/cache";
const options = (cache) => ({
provider: () => ultraCache(cache),
suspense: true,
const Ultra = ({ cache }) => {
return (
<SWRConfig value={options(cache)}>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Ultra is powered by the mighty Oak. We
expose both the app
and router
, which can be configured for any custom
middleware or routing your app might need.
import ultra, { app } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
// logger middleware
app.use(async (context, next) => {
await next();
const rt = context.response.headers.get("X-Response-Time");
console.log(`${context.request.method} ${context.request.url} - ${rt}`);
await ultra({
importmap: await Deno.readTextFile("importmap.json"),
Custom routes can all be added, helpful for API's.
import ultra, { router } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
// example API route
router.get("/api/:slug", async (context) => {
// ...
await ultra({
importmap: await Deno.readTextFile("importmap.json"),
Classic deployment: Ultra can be deployed via Docker. Here is an example Dockerfile which uses the official Denoland image.
FROM denoland/deno:1.14.0
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install make
COPY . .
RUN make cache
CMD ["make", "start"]
We are currently working on support for Deno Deploy, Cloudflare Workers, and Vercel. Keen to help? Open a PR, please! π