Zabbix Pusher is a gem with a set of binaries to push data to a zabbix server
The current package provides a implementation for querying jmx data with jolokia from tomcat and a predefined tomcat_template.xml to import in zabbix. You must deploy the jolkia.war to your tomcat instance.
Install the gem with.
gem install zabbix_pusher
import the examples/tomcat_template.xml into your zabbix server
zabbix_pusher -z -s -v
sample output:
"jmx[java.lang:type=OperatingSystem;OpenFileDescriptorCount;]" => 46,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=GlobalRequestProcessor;errorCount;]" => 1,
"jmx[java.lang:type=ClassLoading;TotalLoadedClassCount;]" => 1918,
"jmx[java.lang:type=OperatingSystem;MaxFileDescriptorCount;]" => 1024,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Runtime;Uptime;]" => 4807550,
"jmx[java.lang:type=ClassLoading;LoadedClassCount;]" => 1916,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=ThreadPool;maxThreads;]" => 200,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Compilation;TotalCompilationTime;]" => 852,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Runtime;VmVersion;]" => "19.1-b02",
"jmx[java.lang:name=CMS Perm Gen,type=MemoryPool;Usage;max]" => 67108864,
"jmx[Catalina:type=Server;serverInfo;]" => "Apache Tomcat/6.0.24",
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=GlobalRequestProcessor;bytesReceived;]" => 616016,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Compilation;Name;]" => "HotSpot Client Compiler",
"jmx[java.lang:name=Copy,type=GarbageCollector;CollectionTime;]" => 114,
"jmx[java.lang:name=CMS Perm Gen,type=MemoryPool;Usage;used]" => 10244896,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Threading;DaemonThreadCount;]" => 13,
"jmx[java.lang:name=CMS Old Gen,type=MemoryPool;Usage;committed]" => 50331648,
"jmx[java.lang:name=Code Cache,type=MemoryPool;Usage;used]" => 2310528,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=GlobalRequestProcessor;requestCount;]" => 173,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=GlobalRequestProcessor;processingTime;]" => 1992,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=ThreadPool;currentThreadsBusy;]" => 1,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Threading;ThreadCount;]" => 14,
"jmx[java.lang:name=ConcurrentMarkSweep,type=GarbageCollector;CollectionCount;]" => 4,
"jmx[java.lang:name=Code Cache,type=MemoryPool;Usage;committed]" => 2326528,
"jmx[java.lang:name=Code Cache,type=MemoryPool;Usage;max]" => 33554432,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=GlobalRequestProcessor;bytesSent;]" => 9622082,
"jmx[Catalina:name=http-8080,type=ThreadPool;currentThreadCount;]" => 1,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Threading;PeakThreadCount;]" => 14,
"jmx[java.lang:name=CMS Old Gen,type=MemoryPool;Usage;max]" => 83886080,
"jmx[java.lang:name=CMS Old Gen,type=MemoryPool;Usage;used]" => 3707304,
"jmx[java.lang:name=ConcurrentMarkSweep,type=GarbageCollector;CollectionTime;]" => 0,
"jmx[java.lang:name=CMS Perm Gen,type=MemoryPool;Usage;committed]" => 17063936,
"jmx[java.lang:type=ClassLoading;UnloadedClassCount;]" => 2,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Memory;ObjectPendingFinalizationCount;]" => 0,
"jmx[java.lang:type=Threading;TotalStartedThreadCount;]" => 14,
"jmx[java.lang:name=Copy,type=GarbageCollector;CollectionCount;]" => 49,
"jmx[Catalina:port=8080,type=ProtocolHandler;compression;]" => "off"
will push the data to a zabbix server running on port 10051. The -v option will print out what gets send to the server.
zabbix_pusher -h
Usage: zabbix_pusher (options)
-c, --config CONFIG The configuration file to use
--jmx_base_uri uri The jmx base uri
-l, --log_level LEVEL Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
-s, --host HOSTNAME Specify host name. Host IP address and DNS name will not work.
-v, --show_send_values shows what values got send to zabbix
-t, --template FILE The template file(s) to use, can be a file a comma separated list of files or a directory
-z, --zabbix-server SERVER Hostname or IP address of Zabbix Server
-p, --port SERVER PORT Specify port number of server trapper running on the server. Default is 10051
-h, --help Show this message
Can be used to explore all the options of your jmx data.
$ zabbix_pusher_jmx -h
Usage: /usr/bin/zabbix_pusher_jmx (options)
-a, --attribute attribute The name of the action e.g. HeapMemoryUsage (needed for read command)
-b, --base_uri uri The jmx base uri
-o, --command action The command to perform
-m, --mbean mbean The name of the mbean e.g. java.lang:type=Memory (needed for read command)
-p, --path path The name of the path e.g. used (needed for read and list command)
-h, --help Show this message
zabbix_pusher_jmx --command search -m "Catalina:*"
zabbix_pusher_jmx --command read -m "Catalina:host=localhost,path=/,type=Manager"
zabbix_pusher_jmx --command read -m "Catalina:name=http-8080,type=GlobalRequestProcessor" -a bytesReceived
zabbix_pusher_jmx --command list -m Catalina:host=localhost,path=/,resourcetype=Context,type=NamingResources
See for details