A C# (.NET) application to automate the PC process of getting h-encore running on your PS Vita system!
This application is WINDOWS ONLY.
This application will not be updated in the future. Please use finalhe by soarqin, which also supports OSX and Linux.
This application does everything required for h-encore related to your PC. This means:
- Automatically installs and configures QCMA if it is not already installed.
- Automatically installs QCMA USB drivers if necessary.
- Gets AID and QCMA directory from QCMA automatically.
- Automatically downloads required tools (psvimgtools, pkg2zip, bittersmile demo and h-encore itself).
- Allows user to import necessary files if they've already downloaded them (optional).
- Grabs CMA encryption key from your account ID.
- Unpackages bittersmile and repackages it with your encryption key and h-encore.
- Trims excess bittersmile demo files to reduce h-encore file size from ~240MB to ~13MB without breaking trophy fix (optional).
- Moves finished files to your QCMA directory for copying to your PS Vita.
- Holds your hand along the way.
Basically, you just need to read and interact with your Vita.
The application has been verified working on all PS Vita models (including PSTV).
Requires .NET 4.5.2 or higher (Windows should automatically download it or link you to it if you don't have it).
Download and extract the latest release and run it. Further instructions are included in the application itself.
If the application crashes or h-encore fails to install, please submit an issue, do not create an issue on the h-encore Github, it probably isn't their fault.
Clone the repository and open the solution in Visual Studio. Build from there.
If you know C and are willing to help out, it would be appreciated if you could help integrate libVitaMTP into this application.
Other changes are also welcome through pull requests.
- yexun1995 for the Simplified Chinese translation.
- RY0M43CH1Z3N for the Spanish translation.
- M2l2koPOWER, portablegaming and pvc1 for the Russian translation.
- theheroGAC for the Italian translation.
- barbabarros for the Brazilian Portuguese translation.
- wababc and Retsukun for the French translation.
- barooney and fyr77 for the German translation.
- Hack-Usagi for the Japanese translation.
- Localizati0n for the Turkish translation.
- TheOneEyedGrimReaper for the Hungarian translation.
- fyr77 for giving me a good reference for getting QCMA automation working.
- thefl0w for h-encore and all of their other contributions to the Vita scene.
- yifanlu for psvimgtools and all of their other contributions to the Vita scene.
- codestation for QCMA.
- mmozeiko for pkg2zip.
- Everyone else that positively contributes to the Vita scene.