A crowdsourced dictionary for the swiss german language
To set the required environment variables, duplicate .env.example
and rename it to .env
Fill in the variables as instructed in the file.
A Postgres version 15 instance is required containing the previously specified user and database.
To enable the database to correctly compare swiss german words, configure
to be the database's locale or at least it'sLC_COLLATE
FFMPEG needs to be installed on the server so that the audio samples endpoint can convert audio blobs to mp3. If you don't want to do that, just don't use the the "add audio sample" feature in DEV :)
This project uses yarn instead of npm as the package manager.
Install project dependencies
yarn install
Start development server
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To build and run the production version of the app.
yarn build
You can preview the built app with
npm run preview
, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.
And to run the nodejs app
node build/
- JWT Authentication This is a slightly different approach to the nomal access and refreshn token approach
- Deployment on VPS Helvetikon is hosted on a vps, using OpenLiteSpeed as it's reverse proxy. FYI: Cyberpanel was the preferred option but since the current vps only has 512mb RAM it couldn't be installed.