noatcards | isdraft |
true |
false |
Break down a problem in smaller parts and store the results of these subproblems so that they only need to be computed once
A DP algorithm will search through all of the possible subproblems (main difference with greedy algorithms)
Based on either:
- Memoization (top-down)
- Tabulation (bottom-up)
Optimization technique to cache previously computed results
Used by dynamic programming algorithms
Memoization: top-down (start with a large, complex problem and break it down into smaller sub-problems)
f(x) {
if (mem[x] is undefined)
mem[x] = f(x-1) + f(x-2)
return mem[x]
Tabulation: bottom-up (start with the smallest solution and then build up each solution until we arrive at the solution to the initial problem)
tabFib(n) {
mem[0] = 0
mem[1] = 1
for i = 2...n
mem[i] = mem[i-2] + mem[i-1]
return mem[n]