Testium is a testing library focused on providing a simple, but effective, tool for testing your web applications in different browsers (via Selenium) and headlessly (via PhantomJS).
This particular module bundles a few different testium libraries together in a fashion that is no longer recommended. Please instead use a testing interface modules + one of the testium drivers, e.g:
https://github.com/testiumjs/testium-mocha and https://github.com/testiumjs/testium-driver-wd
$ npm install --save-dev testium-mocha testium-driver-wd
const { browser } = require('testium-mocha');
describe('something', () => {
before(browser.beforeHook({ driver: 'wd' }));
it('works', () => browser.loadPage('/'));
For full API documentation, see the Testium API Docs