List of open-source technologies that will help in the process of building a pipeline for CG or VFX productions.
Any contribution is welcome!
- The Gimp - Image editor
- Krita - Image editor
- Opentoonz - Animation production
- Storyboarder - Storyboard editor
- Blender - Modeling and animation
- Babylon.js - webGL engine
- Godot - C++ based 2D/3D realtime engine (PC, console, mobile, HMTL5)
- Panda3d - Python based 3d Engine (PC)
- Three.js - webGL engine
- Unreal Engine - C++ based 2D/3D realtime engine (PC, console, mobile, HMTL5)
- Darktable - photography workflow application and raw developer
- Lucidity - String/filepath templates system inspired by SGTK's template mechanisms
- Fileseq - Frame ranges and file sequences parsing
- gofileseq - A Golang port of the library above
- pyseq - Another Python module for file sequence parsing and serialization
- - Qt versions abstraction
- Nodz - Node generator for Qt
- SceneGraph - Ui for scene graph
- Thonside - Python console for Qt apps
- NodeGraphQt - Node graph for Qt
- Cross3D - Scene and node management abstraction
- Py3dsMax - 3dsMax API in Python
- CGCmake - CMake modules for CG apps
- PyMEL - Python in Maya Done Right
- mGui - Portable pure-python GUI library for Maya
- minq - Maya query language for speeding up common scene operations
- OpenWalter - USD Plugins Arnold, Houdini, Katana, Maya and USD
- Cortex - Libraries for VFX software development
- ExoCortex for Max 2018 - ExoCortex ported to Max 2018
- Simplex - Blendshape Solver
- CvWrap - Fast Maya wrap deformer
- Blender Addons - Helpers for Blender
- BlenderGIS - Geo data importer
- Instant Meshes - Remesher
- Rigify - Auto-rigging Addon for Blender
- QHull - Convex hull generator
- MakeHuman - Parametric human character modeling
- OpenColorIO - Unified color environment
- OSL - Language to manipulate shaders
- Alembic - Animations
- ACES - Color management
- Cryptomatte - Accurate object ID mattes
- MaterialX - Materials and look-dev
- OpenEXR (repo) - exceptional image format for visual effects purposes, pioneered by ILM.
- OpenEXRid - Object isolation
- OpenDCX (repo) - C++ extensions for OpenEXR's "deep" file format.
- OpenTimelineIO - Editorial timeline
- USD - Scenes
- AL_USDMaya - Represent Maya data in Maya, and USD data in USD
- OpenVDB (repo) - Volumetric data
- OpenVDB AX - fast expression language for manipulating OpenVDB files.
- Kiko - DCC-agnostic animation curves storage. (Works between Maya and Nuke, with more DCCs to come.)
- Coalition from Mercenaries Engineering (developers of Guerilla Render.)
- OpenCue from Sony Imageworks.
- Flamenco from the Blender Foundation.
- Plow by Chad Vernon.
- CGRU is a CG tools pack that includes AFANASY, a free opensource render farm manager.
- Kitsu - For small to mid-size studios
- Pyblish - Test-driven content creation
- WSL Distribution Switcher - Change the distro behind Windows Subsystem
- Jean-Paul Start - Small (with Ansible-like syntax) launcher with GUI
- AFX - Everyday compositing for Nuke.
- Wiretap - Manage Flame Wiretap database
- OnionSkinRenderer - Onion Skin Renderer for Maya
- MayaCharm - Run and edit Maya scripts directly from PyCharm
- MayaSublime - Run and edit Maya scripts directly from SublimeText
- MariSublime - Run and edit Mari scripts directly from SublimeText
- VEX - Houdini add-on for Sublime Text
- nuke.vim - Run and edit Nuke scripts directly from vim
- MayaCode (repo) - Maya syntax highlighting support, along with autocomplete commands and send code to maya via command port.
- MayaPort (repo) - Run Maya code from VSCode.
- SendtoMaya - Alternative to MayaPort, serving the same purpose.
- MEL Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support.
- VEX Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support.
- Blink Script (Nuke) Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support.
- Pixar USD ASCII Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support, courtesy of the folks at Animal Logic.
- StudioSysAdmins
- 3DVF
- Houdini Discord
- Blender Discord (French)
- CGWire Slack
- od|force