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René Capella edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 3 revisions

# Welcome to the converger_app wiki!

These are the basic requirements for the Converger Application.

At its core this application is a scheduling tool used to converge 3 or more parties to a common 1 hour meeting time, during a 2 week long Interview Event. However, the method used to create the common meeting time is rather unique and is described by the following requirements.

This application has 3 types of users defined here: Interviewers – Business Professionals who provide the interview service. Their time availability has the highest priority. Facilitators – A intermediary who is at the beginning of each meeting to provide the communications vehicle (Zoom for example), and facilitate the solution to one of the other parties not showing up. They are also there to insure one of the other parties is not the sole attending party to a proposed meeting. Interviewees – These are College Students who are using this service. They will select from available appointment times after the system is loaded with the resources above.

This application should function on Computers (Desktops and Laptops), smart phones (iPhone and Androids) and Tablets (iPad and Android).

This application is a web based application that will work with all 3 major client operating systems (Linux, Macintosh and Windows), as well as the google/Android and apple “i” handheld device Operating System.

This application will work with the 4 major Web browsers at a minimum (Firefox – The Linux Default Browser, Safari – The Macintosh Default Browser, and Edge or whatever Microsoft is using as a browser, in addition Google Chrome – the default browser for Android devices will also be supported).

This application is to be developed as “Open Source” software per the GNU Copyleft concept. Once developed it can be registered per Copyleft criteria and become part of your code portfolio.

This application will be Vendor non-specific, so an open source back end database (such as MySQL) will be used to store application data.

This application will employ basic credential security to allow only authorized users to use it. This security system is controlled by the Facilitators (administrators for this application) who invite the Interviewers and Interviewees to participate. Facilitators must have a password (no null passwords) and the password must meet basic security requirements:( a minimum of 10 characters and a combination of letters and numbers).

The Interviewer Interface:

The interviewer will have an initial interface where they will identify who they are and set a username and password. In all subsequent visits the Interviewer will use their Username and Password to get to their current status interface, where they can modify their schedule.

The interviewer must be able to access the system and provide blocks of available time (for example: Mon-Wed 1pm to 5pm, Thur-Fri 9am-11am and 2pm to 3pm, Sat 12noon – 2pm)

The interviewer must be able to specify meeting heuristics such as: No more than 1 interview a day or No back to back interviews or Try to block my interviews back to back.

The interviewer should get an output showing a graphical (calendar style) representation of their commitments which should be used to confirm their commitments before the log out.

The interviewer must be able to schedule time slots that are not on the hour (i.e. 3:30 to 4:30) but this ability can be limited to quarter hour blocks.

The Facilitator Interface:

The Facilitator will have an initial interface where they will identify who they are and set a username and password. In all subsequent visits the Facilitator will use their Username and Password to get to their current status interface, where they can modify their schedule.

Since no one facilitator will be available all the time and since multiple interviews can occur simultaneously, this system will support multiple Facilitators. The objective of the facilitators will be to cover as much of the available blocks of time (provided by the Interviewers) as possible.

It must support the situation where multiple interviewers are available at the same time and hence require multiple different facilitators during that time in order to completely utilize the available interviewer time.

The Facilitator can enter available time even if no Interviewer exists for that time slot. This is to prepare for Interviewers who have not entered their time yet.

The Facilitator will be able to upload their Meeting connection information (i.e. Zoom number and password). A Facilitator may also upload connection information for multiple platforms.

The facilitator can select which platform to use for each meeting from a dropdown menu. Zoom is the default meeting platform and is preset by this application.

The Facilitator should get an output showing a graphical (calendar style) representation of the correlation between the sum of all Interviewers available time and the sum of all Facilitators available time. This output should use a shorthand to depict where problems exist. For example: during any hour long blocks where there is a interviewer but no facilitator that time block should be represented with a “-1” to indicate we are 1 Facilitator short. During an hour where there are 4 interviewers available but only one Facilitator the time block will be represented with a -3. (No short hand indicators are used if there is currently no interviewer during a time slot – i.e. we do not show positive indicators for Facilitator time).

The above output is used to allow the Facilitator to confirm their schedule prior to logging out.

When a time slot has availability from a Interviewer AND a facilitator to support it, it is considered a “Active” Time slot until it is booked.

The Interviewee Interface:

The Interviewee will have an initial interface where they will identify who they are and set a username and password. In all subsequent visits the Interviewee will use their Username and Password to get to their current status interface. Once an Interviewee has set 3 Booked interviews they must contact a Facilitator to change them.

The Interviewee interface will allow a Interviewee to view all “Active” time slots and reserve up to and including 3 Active time slots.

When an Interviewee schedules a time slot the state of that Time/Interviewer/Facilitator/Interviewee combination is changed to a “Booked” state.

The interface will not let the Interviewee schedule multiple Interviews with the same Interviewer.

The interviewee cannot book a interview in the 24 hours immediately following the time they are booking.(i.e. They must book atleast 1 day in advance).

The Interviewee must provide a resume (as an uploaded document) and a LinkedIn URL in order to book any interviews.

The Interviewee should get an output showing a graphical (calendar style) representation of their booked time slots. This representation should be used to confirm the Interviewees commitments prior to logging out.

Automated Notification Sub System Requirements:

There are 3 types of notification that will be automatically generated by this system.

The Interview Booked notice – When a Interviewee books a interview the system will send an email to all 3 parties (The Interviewer, The Facilitator and the Interviewee). The system will wait 1 hour after the interview is booked before sending the emails in order to support people changing their minds and/or adjusting their schedule based on other interviews.

The email to the Interviewer

(An example of the text for these notices are in Appendix 1.a)

The email to the Facilitator

(An example of the text for these notices are in Appendix 1.b)

The email to the Interviewee

(An example of the text for these notices are in Appendix 1.c)

The Facilitator Duty Roster – At 9pm each night during the Interview Event, each Facilitator will get a email with a graphical (Hourly Calendar style) representation of the interviews they will be supporting in the following day. In addition, they will receive a graphical (Daily Calendar style) representation of their interviews each day until the end of the Interview Event.

The Wrap-Up Questionnaire – At the conclusion of the Interview Event, each of the Interviewers (who performed atleast 1 interview in this event) will be emailed a Questionnaire asking them to provide feedback on the interviews which they conducted.

(An example of the text for this Questionnaire are in Appendix 2)

Appendix 1.a – Letter to Interviewer Content

(Data in [brackets] are variables and are loaded dynamically by the application)

Hello [Interviewer],

Thanks Again for Volunteering.

This notice is to confirm you have an interview with [Student Name] on [Date] at [Time] in the pacific time zone (please verify this is accurate if you are in a different time zone).

At this point I will be playing the role of a Recruiter and will initiate the meeting.

I have set up the [Zoom] link:

[Meeting Criteria – For Example the Zoom Number and Password]

Try to join 5 min before the time begins. Once you and your interviewee are present I will turn control of the Zoom session over to you and log out.

If you need to contact me to fix a [Zoom] problem you can call me at [Facilitators Phone Number]. Please do not give this number out (or put it in any telemarketing database).

Please try to end by 55 min past the hour. If there is not another interview immediately behind your you can take longer, but be prepared to lose the meeting at 55 min past the hour.

The resume for this interviewee is attached to this email

The LinkedIn link for this interviewee is: [Interviewee Linked in URL]

Please be sure to spend some time with the interviewee at the end of the session on feedback about how they did. The AD department would also like to have some feedback on how the students did as well as how you felt about the event.

Thanks Again

Appendix 1.b – Letter to Facilitator Content

(Data in [brackets] are variables and are loaded dynamically by the application)

Hello [Facilitator],

This notice is to confirm you are facilitating an interview between Interviewer [Interviewer Name] and Student [Interviewee Name] on [Date] at [Time] in the pacific time zone.

The Interview has been scheduled with your [Zoom] link:

[Meeting Criteria – For Example the Zoom Number and Password]


Appendix 1.c – Letter to Interviewee Content

(Data in [brackets] are variables and are loaded dynamically by the application)

Hello Interviewee,

This notice is to confirm you have an interview with [Interviewer Name] on [Date] at [Time].

[Facilitator Name] will be playing the role of a Recruiter and will initiate the meeting.

[Meeting Criteria – For Example the Zoom Number and Password]

Try to join 5 min before the time begins. Once you and your interviewer are present I will turn control of the Zoom session over to the interviewer and log out.

Good Luck

Appendix 2 – Wrap-Up Questionnaire

Hello [Interviewer],

Thanks Again for Volunteering.

I would like to ask you for one last contribution to this effort. Now that you have interviewed one or more of our students, I would like you to answer these questions about the experience.

  1. Overall, did the student(s) you interviewed seem ready for the work force? (Another way to look at this is: If you had a job requiring their skills would you be willing to hire them?)

  2. Was there anything significant that you found was missing in the student(s) training that would make them less marketable?

  3. Was there anything significant that you found that was positive, perhaps unexpected, in the student(s) training that would make them more marketable?

  4. Did you enjoy the process? I am hoping in the future you will volunteer again, so if there is something I can do to make the experience more enjoyable for our interviewers I would like to know what it is.

Thanks Again