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The MetGenC toolkit enables Operations staff and data producers to create metadata files conforming to NASA's Common Metadata Repository UMM-G specification and ingest data directly to NASA EOSDIS’s Cumulus archive. Cumulus is an open source cloud-based data ingest, archive, distribution, and management framework developed for NASA's Earth Science data.

Level of Support

This repository is fully supported by NSIDC. If you discover any problems or bugs, please submit an Issue. If you would like to contribute to this repository, you may fork the repository and submit a pull request.

See the LICENSE for details on permissions and warranties. Please contact [email protected] for more information.


To use the nsidc-metgen command-line tool, metgenc, you must first have Python version 3.12 installed. To determine the version of Python you have, run this at the command-line:

$ python --version


$ python3 --version


  • Checksums are all SHA256
  • NetCDF files have an extension of .nc (required by CF conventions).
  • Projected spatial information is available in coordinate variables having a standard_name attribute value of projection_x_coordinate or projection_y_coordinate attribute.
  • (x[0],y[0]) represents the upper left corner of the spatial coverage.
  • Spatial coordinate values represent the center of the area covered by a measurement.
  • If a pixel_size value is present in the ini file, its units are assumed to be the same as the units of the spatial coordinate variables.
  • Date/time strings can be parsed using datetime.fromisoformat
  • Only one coordinate system is used by all data variables in all data files (i.e. only one grid mapping variable is present in a file, and the content of that variable is the same in every data file).

Reference links

NetCDF Attributes Used to Populate UMM-G

  • Required required
  • RequiredC conditionally required
  • R+ highly or strongly recommended
  • R recommended
  • S suggested
Attribute in use (location) ACDD CF Conventions NSIDC Guidelines Note
date_modified (global) S R 1, OC
time_coverage_start (global) R R 2, OC
time_coverage_end (global) R R 2, OC
grid_mapping_name (variable) RequiredC R+ 3
crs_wkt (variable with grid_mapping_name attribute) R 4
GeoTransform (variable with grid_mapping_name attribute) R 5, OC
standard_name, projection_x_coordinate (variable) RequiredC 6
standard_name, projection_y_coordinate (variable) RequiredC 7
Attributes not currently used ACDD CF Conventions NSIDC Guidelines
Conventions (global) R+ Required R
standard_name (data variable) R+ R+
grid_mapping (data variable) RequiredC R+
axis (variable) R
geospatial_bounds (global) R R
geospatial_bounds_crs (global) R R
geospatial_lat_min (global) R R
geospatial_lat_max (global) R R
geospatial_lat_units (global) R R
geospatial_lon_min (global) R R
geospatial_lon_max (global) R R
geospatial_lon_units (global) R R

Notes: OC: These attributes (or elements of them) can be represented in the ini file. See Optional Configuration Elements.

  1. Used to populate the production date and time values in UMM-G output.
  2. Used to populate the time begin and end UMM-G values.
  3. A grid mapping variable is required if the horizontal spatial coordinates are not longitude and latitude and the intent of the data provider is to geolocate the data. grid_mapping and grid_mapping_name allow programmatic identification of the variable holding information about the horizontal coordinate reference system.
  4. The crs_wkt ("well known text") value is handed to the CRS and Transformer modules in pyproj to conveniently deal with the reprojection of (y,x) values to EPSG 4326 (lon, lat) values.
  5. The GeoTransform value provides the pixel size per data value, which is then used to calculate the padding added to x and y values to create a GPolygon enclosing all of the data.
  6. The values of the coordinate variable identified by the standard_name attribute with a value of projection_x_coordinate are reprojected and thinned to create a GPolygon, bounding box, etc.
  7. The values of the coordinate variable identified by the standard_name attribute with a value of projection_y_coordinate are reprojected and thinned to create a GPolygon, bounding box, etc.

Installing MetGenC

MetGenC can be installed from PyPI. First, create a Python virtual environment in a directory of your choice, then activate it:

$ python -m venv /Users/afitzger/metgenc (i.e. provide the path to and name of the virtual environment to house MetgenC)
$ source ~/metgenc/bin/activate (i.e., source your newly created virtual environment name)

Now install MetGenC into the virtual environment using pip:

$ pip install nsidc-metgenc

AWS Credentials

In order to process science data and stage it for Cumulus, you must first create & setup your AWS credentials. Two options for doing this are:

Option 1: Manually Creating Configuration Files

First, create a directory in your user's home directory to store the AWS configuration:

$ mkdir -p ~/.aws

In the ~/.aws directory, create a file named config with the contents:

region = us-west-2
output = json

In the ~/.aws directory, create a file named credentials with the contents:

aws_access_key_id = TBD
aws_secret_access_key = TBD

Finally, restrict the permissions of the directory and files:

$ chmod -R go-rwx ~/.aws

When you obtain the AWS key pair (covered here), edit the ~/.aws/credentials file and replace TBD with the public and secret key values.

Option 2: Using the AWS CLI to Create Configuration Files

You may install (or already have it installed) the AWS Command Line Interface on the machine where you are running the tool. Follow the AWS CLI Install instructions for the platform on which you are running.

Once you have the AWS CLI, you can use it to create the ~/.aws directory and the config and credentials files:

$ aws configure

You will be prompted to enter your AWS public access and secret key values, along with the AWS region and CLI output format. The AWS CLI will create and populate the directory and files with your values.

If you require access to multiple AWS accounts, each with their own configuration--for example, different accounts for pre-production vs. production--you can use the AWS CLI 'profile' feature to manage settings for each account. See the AWS configuration documentation for the details.


  • Show the help text:

      $ metgenc --help
  Usage: metgenc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The metgenc utility allows users to create granule-level metadata, stage
  granule files and their associated metadata to Cumulus, and post CNM

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  info     Summarizes the contents of a configuration file.
  init     Populates a configuration file based on user input.
  process  Processes science data files based on configuration file...
  validate Validates the contents of local JSON files.

For detailed help on each command, run: metgenc --help, for example:

    $ metgenc process --help

Commands, In-depth

The init command will generate a metgenc configuration (i.e., .ini) file for your data set. You can skip this step if you've already made an .ini file, or have copied one from another data set that you've tweaked to meet the needs of the data set you’re working on.

init --help
Usage: metgenc init [OPTIONS]

  Populates a configuration file based on user input.

  -c, --config TEXT  Path to configuration file to create or replace
  --help             Show this message and exit
    $ metgenc init -c ./init/<name the file you’d like to create or modify>.ini

Optional Configuration Elements

Several NetCDF attributes may be represented in the ini file if they don't exist in the granule data file(s). See the file fixtures/test.ini for an example.

Attribute ini section ini element
date_modified Collection date_modified
time_coverage_start Collection filename_regex
time_coverage_end Collection time_coverage_duration
GeoTransform Collection pixel_size

The info command can be used to display the information within the configuration file. The following example assumes a modscg.ini file has already been created.

metgenc info --help
Usage: metgenc info [OPTIONS]

  Summarizes the contents of a configuration file.

  -c, --config TEXT  Path to configuration file to display  [required]
  --help             Show this message and exit.
    $ metgenc info --config example/modscg.ini

The process command is used to inspect or kick off ingest to Cumulus. Before running this, you must source your AWS profile (just once when you're working on ingest...not every time you run process in a session).

metgenc process --help
Usage: metgenc process [OPTIONS]

  Processes science data files based on configuration file contents.

  -c, --config TEXT   Path to configuration file  [required]
  -d, --dry-run       Don't stage files on S3 or publish messages to Kinesis
  -e, --env TEXT      environment  [default: uat]
  -n, --number count  Process at most 'count' granules.
  -wc, --write-cnm    Write CNM messages to files.
  -o, --overwrite     Overwrite existing UMM-G files.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
    $ source default
    $ metgenc process --config example/modscg.ini

When run, ummg and and cnm files are generated and ingested along with the data files for a collection into Cumulus. The process command offers a -d (--dry run) option that only runs the process steps locally, thus actual Cumulus ingest is not started. This is meant to allow you to check your .ini details, validate that ummg and cnm file content is as you intend it to be, etc.

    $ metgenc process -c ./init/test.ini -e uat  -d -n 3 

The above command does a dry run of three granules in the data directory specified in the .ini file pointed to.

    $ metgenc process -c ./init/test.ini -e uat  

The above command starts Cumulus ingest for all granules in my data/ directory specified within the .ini file pointed to.

The validate command lets you review the JSON cnm or ummg output files created by running process.

metgenc validate --help
Usage: metgenc validate [OPTIONS]

  Validates the contents of local JSON files.

  -c, --config TEXT  Path to configuration file  [required]
  -t, --type TEXT    JSON content type  [default: cnm]
  --help             Show this message and exit.
    $ metgenc validate -c example/modscg.ini -t ummg

The package check-jsonschema is also installed by MetGenC and can be used to validate a single file:

    $ check-jsonschema --schemafile <path to schema file> <path to cnm file>



For Developers



You can install Poetry either by using the official installer if you’re comfortable following the instructions, or by using a package manager (like Homebrew) if this is more familiar to you. When successfully installed, you should be able to run:

$ poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.8.3)

Installing Dependencies

  • Use Poetry to create and activate a virtual environment

      $ poetry shell
  • Install dependencies

      $ poetry install

Run tests

    $ poetry run pytest

Run tests when source changes (uses pytest-watcher):

    $ poetry run ptw . --now --clear

Running the linter for code style issues:

    $ poetry run ruff check

The ruff tool will check the source code for conformity with various style rules. Some of these can be fixed by ruff itself, and if so, the output will describe how to automatically fix these issues.

The CI/CD pipeline will run these checks whenever new commits are pushed to GitHub, and the results will be available in the GitHub Actions output.

Running the code formatter

    $ poetry run ruff format

The ruff tool will check the source code for conformity with source code formatting rules. It will also fix any issues it finds and leave the changes uncommitted so you can review the changes prior to adding them to the codebase.

As with the linter, the CI/CD pipeline will run the formatter when commits are pushed to GitHub.

Ruff integration with your editor

Rather than running ruff manually from the commandline, it can be integrated with the editor of your choice. See the ruff editor integration guide.


  • Update the CHANGELOG to include details of the changes included in the new release. The version should be the string literal 'UNRELEASED' (without single-quotes). It will be replaced with the actual version number after we bump the version below. Commit the CHANGELOG so the working directory is clean.

  • Show the current version and the possible next versions:

      $ bump-my-version show-bump
      0.3.0 ── bump ─┬─ major ─ 1.0.0
                     ├─ minor ─ 0.4.0
                     ╰─ patch ─ 0.3.1
  • Bump the version to the desired number, for example:

      $ bump-my-version bump minor

    You will see the latest commit & tag by looking at git log. You can then push these to GitHub (git push --follow-tags) to trigger the CI/CD workflow.

  • On the GitHub repository, click 'Releases' and follow the steps documented on the GitHub Releases page. Draft a new Release using the version tag created above. After you have published the release, the MetGenC Publish GHA workflow will be started. Check that the workflow succeeds on the MetGenC Actions page, and verify that the new MetGenC release is available on PyPI.


This content was developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center with funding from multiple sources.


Metadata generator for direct-to-Cumulus era



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Contributors 3
