Plex server using Traefik for reverse proxy and acme Let's Encrypt SSL certificate handling.
Uses Traefik to route requests to to plex backend container Routes are configured in the docker-compose.yml labels
- traefik.http.routers.plex.rule=Host(``)
- Go to to generate the claim token
- Add claim token to docker-compose.yml PLEX_CLAIM environment variable for plex service
- Add email to traefik.toml
docker-compose up -d
- Navigate to
- Setup Plex with name and mapping to volumes
- Ready to use Plex with a certificate setup!
The docker-compose volumes has letencrypt directory, which should auto be created when running docker-compose up -d, if it isn't create a letsencrypt directory
mkdir letsencrypt
In the letsencrypt directory an acme.json file will be created, DO NOT MAKE ONE YOURSELF! Making acme.json in letsencrypt can cause Let's Encrypt certificate generation to fail silently giving the error:
Resolver not found for le
Error in acme certificate generation caused by the httpChallenge endpoint from being reachable. Make sure port 80 is reachable.