This repository contains configuration files used to generate Docker images registered on Dockerhub.
In order to use the PF_RING tools or take advantage of the PF_RING acceleration when using the ntop applications, the PF_RING kernel module and drivers need to be loaded on the host system. Please read the instructions in the PF_RING User's Guide and Using PF_RING with Docker
Commercial ntop tools require a license which is based on a system identifier which is computed on locally attached network interfaces and other hardware components. If you want to use within all the Docker containers the same license generated for the host OS, the containers must use host networking and map the license file from the host. Example:
docker run -it --net=host -v /etc/nprobe.license:/etc/nprobe.license nprobe -i eth1
For docker-compose, see the Compose file reference.
When running a Cloud license, the application needs to connect to the Cloud and the cloud.conf configuration file is required. Please create it in the container or map the cloud.conf file from the host. Example:
docker run -it --net=host -v /etc/nprobe.license:/etc/nprobe.license -v /etc/ntop/cloud.conf:/etc/ntop/cloud.conf:ro nprobe -i eth1
The following is an example compose.yml
configuration file to create containers for ntopng,
an nProbe collector, and a ClickHouse server for historic flows (included with Enterprise L or better).
A sample configuration file for running ntopng and ClickHouse is also available under compose/ntopng.
Example compose.yml
image: ntop/nprobe:stable
restart: always
network_mode: "host"
- /etc/nprobe.license:/etc/nprobe.license:ro
command: ['nprobe', '--zmq', '"tcp://ntopng:5556"', '--interface', 'none', '-n', 'none', '--collector-port', '2055', '-T', '"@NTOPNG@"', '--collector-passthrough']
image: ntop/ntopng:latest
restart: always
network_mode: "host"
- /etc/ntopng.license:/etc/ntopng.license:ro
command: ['--interface', 'tcp://*:5556c', '-F', 'clickhouse', '--disable-login'] # , '--insecure']
- clickhouse
- nprobe_collector
image: clickhouse/clickhouse-server:latest
network_mode: "host"
restart: always
- clickhouse_data:/var/lib/clickhouse
- clickhouse_logs:/var/log/clickhouse-server/
docker build -t pfring -f Dockerfile.pfring .
docker run --net=host pfring pfcount -i eno1
If you want to use a ZC interface, you need to access the license file from the container, you can use the -v|--volume option for this:
docker run --net=host -v 001122334455:/etc/pf_ring/001122334455 pfring pfcount -i zc:eth1
For additional info please read the PF_RING User's Guide
docker build -t ntopng -f Dockerfile.ntopng .
docker run -it --net=host ntopng -i eno1
docker build -t nprobe -f Dockerfile.nprobe .
docker run -it --net=host nprobe -i eno1
docker build -t nprobe -f .
docker run -it --net=host ntap -i eth0 -c <ntap_collector_ip>:1234 -k my_pwd
docker build -t cento -f Dockerfile.cento .
docker run -it --net=host cento -i eno1
docker build -t n2disk -f Dockerfile.n2disk .
docker run -it --cap-add IPC_LOCK --net=host n2disk -i eno1 -o /tmp
Note: IPC_LOCK is required to use the Direct IO support in n2disk, which required mlock.
docker build -t nscrub -f Dockerfile.nscrub .
docker run -it --net=host nscrub -i eth1 -o eth2
Note: you can configure the application license sharing the license file with the container, you can do this using the -v|--volume option. This applies to all the applications.
docker run -it --net=host -v $(pwd)/nscrub.license:/etc/nscrub.license nscrub -i eth1 -o eth2
You can pass configuration options also via the NTOP_CONFIG
environment variable, using the -e
option. This applies to all the applications.
docker run -it -e NTOP_CONFIG="-i eno1" --net=host ntopng
Whenever the verion of the OS changes, please make sure the docker file for ARM64 is updated