This is a minimal, nodeJS-based ProConnect client, to be used for end-to-end testing.
It uses the Library for the actual OIDC Logic.
This tool can be used to test the traditional Authorization Code Flow.
It also uses the select_organization
& update_userinfo
ProConnect prompts (available only on ProConnect Identité).
This tool is fully configured using environment variables.
Install the dependencies:
npm i
Run the server:
npm start
Available env variables for ProConnect Identité are listed here.
Available env variables for ProConnect Fédération are listed here.
You can use the oidc provider with the following client configuration:
client_id: client_id
client_secret: client_secret
login_callbacks: ["http://localhost:3000/login-callback"]
logout_callbacks: ["http://localhost:3000/"]
authorized_scopes: openid email profile organization
More clients are available at:
cd e2e
npm i
npm test