holoscan-test-suite provides a very simple web server that runs test scripts and publishes the results as HTML back to the calling browser.
holoscan-test-suite-controls leverages tools in holoscan-test-suite to provide an interactive web UI to enable various runtime behaviors on demand. This is useful in the context of, say, EMR or thermal characterization: you can start with a quiet system, measure RF emissions, then gradually turn on features, and easily observe the differences with specific functionality running.
Requirements for this interface include:
- Provide device and configuration identification sufficient for complete reproduction of the configuration under test.
- Provide a record of when the test was run.
- Provide evidence of test execution with a summary of pass/fail status.
- Provide a record of the stdout/stderr generated by tests for debugging.
- Provide proper configuration for use with Yocto and Bitbake.
holoscan-test-suite works by configuring a simple python flask webserver to wrap calls to pytest. Pytest is used to invoke specific tests, where each test can (for example) call a bringup shell script. The entire test passes if all the specific tests pass. A bringup script can exit with a nonzero exit code to indicate a test failure. holoscan-test-suite accumulates the pass/fail status, standard output, and standard error for each test and generates an HTML page with these detailed results.
In the src directory, you'll find
These shell scripts follow the design of the L4T bringup framework, and return a 0 exit code on successful completion.
This script adapts pytest to create test cases for each bringup script it plans to execute. Any pytest-compliant test can be added here.
This module contains an "identify()" routine that returns a multi-level map of name/value pairs with a complete list of the components found on the system.
Serves to configure flask with all the test cases found in test_(configuration).py and displays appropriate pages with the configuration report and test results (as appropriate). This script takes two command-line parameters: the name of the module with the identify() routine and the name of the pytest module (without the .py suffix):
python3 flask_wrapper (configuration)_report test_(configuration)
The web server is configured to listen on any local network interface on TCP port 8765. Press control/C to terminate this application.
Runs flask_wrapper with the approriate test and report scripts for the given configuartion.
It's expected that run_(configuration).sh would be started on boot from a specially configured testing boot image.
Adding a new test is easy:
- Create a new bringup_(component)_(configuration).sh script, per the L4T bringup framework guidelines.
- Add that script to test_(configuration).py
- Kill and restart the run_(configuration).sh script.
For systems running the Holoscan Deployment stack using
you can include testing by adding
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " holoscan-test-suite"
build/conf/local.conf (don't forget the space after the double quote:
" holoscan-test-suite").
To add holoscan-test-suite-controls, add
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL:append = " holoscan-test-suite-controls"
build/conf/local.conf (don't forget the space after the double quote:
" holoscan-test-suite-controls").
Then use your usual commands to build your image (e.g. bitbake.sh) and flash your system (e.g. flash.sh).
With this, the server will start at boot; you can use your browser to run
holoscan-test-suite by going to http://<ip>:8765
; if you've enabled
holoscan-test-suite-controls, that is accessable by http://<ip>:8767
. You can
observe the console for holoscan-test-suite by running the command "screen -d -r
holoscan-test-suite", which may be useful when developing new tests. If you're
developing new tests, you may want to "systemctl stop holoscan-test-suite", then
you can directly execute "run_(configuration).sh" in your shell. The console
for holoscan-test-suite-controls is available by "screen -d -r