Deprecation notice
As of April 2021, Mapwarper will no longer be updated by NYPL, and will soon be archived. This means all embedded views utilizing Mapwarper will no longer work once the site is archived. However, all contributions and data will be retained by the Library for future use and research.
Thank you for your interest and use of the tool.
This software has been developed by Topomancy LLC with the support and collaboration of the New York Public Library.
You can see this code in action at
Consult the wiki for for more documentation including a report detailing the changes in this version compared with the previous version.
The NYPL Map Warper is an open source map geo-rectification, warping and georeferencing application. It enables a user to browse and explore the NYPL's historical map collection, and by placing control points on a reference map and the image, to warp it, to stretch it to fit.
The application can be seen in use at
The application is a web based crowdsourced geospatial project that enables people and organisations to collaboratively publish images of maps online and digitize and extract vector information from them.
Users rectify, warp or stretch images of historical maps with a reference basemap, assigning locations on image and map that line up with each other. Often these historical maps were in big paper books, and so for the first time they can be stitched together and shown as a whole, in digital format.
Users can crop around the maps, and join them together into layers.
By georeferencing the images, they can be warped or georectified to match the locations in space, and used in GIS software and other services. One such use of these warped maps is an application that that helps people digitize, that is, trace over the maps to extract information from them. For example, buildings in 18th Century Manhattan, details changing land use, building type etc. This application is called the Digitizer.
The application runs as a Ruby on Rails application using a number of open source geospatial libraries and technologies, including PostGIS, Mapserver, Geoserver, and GDAL tools.
The resulting maps can be exported as a PNG, GeoTIFF, WMS, Tiles, and KML for use in many different applications.
- Find and search maps by geography
- Adding control points to maps side by side
- Crop maps
- User commenting on maps
- Align maps from similar
- Login via Github / Twitter / etc
- OR signup with email and password
- Export as GeoTiff, PNG, WMS, Tile, KML etc
- Preview in Google Earth and Google Maps
- Map Favourites
- Social media sharing
- Bibliographic metatadata creation and export support
- Multiple georectfication options
- Control point from files import
- Admin tools include
- User statistics
- Activity monitoring
- User administration, disabling
- Roles management (editor, developer, admin etc)
- Batch Imports
- User Flags
- User Statistics
- Revisions and Rollbacks
Unmaintained branches exist for older systems and setups
- Rails 2.3 and Ruby 1.8.4 - See the rails2 branch
- Rails 4.2
- Ruby 1.9+
- Postgresql 9.1 (or 9.1, 8.4)
- Postgis 2 (may work with 1.5)
Check out the Vagrant section lower down in the readme if you want to get started quickly.
on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-contrib build-essential git-core libxml2-dev libxslt-dev imagemagick libmapserver1 gdal-bin libgdal-dev ruby-mapscript nodejs
Due to a bug with the gdal gem, you may need to disable a few flags from your ruby rbconfig.rb see zhm/gdal-ruby#4 for more information
Then install the gem files using bundler
bundle install
Create and configure the following files
In addition have a look in config/initializers/application_config.rb
for some other paths and variables, and config/initializers/devise.rb
for devise and omniauth and also config/environments/development.rb
if you rather not use the /warper
relative path.
Create a postgis database
sudo -u postgres createdb mapwarper_development
psql mapwarper_development -c "create extension postgis;"
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:migrate
Creating a new user
user =
user.login = "super" = ""
user.password = "your_password"
user.password_confirmation = "your_password"
user.confirmed_at =
role = Role.find_by_name('super user')
permission =
permission.role = role
permission.user = user
role = Role.find_by_name('administrator')
permission =
permission.role = role
permission.user = user
Via Vagrant, there is a Vagrantfile
you can use which uses the /lib/vagrant/
provision script. Note: the default Vagrantfile
is configured to take 8GB RAM. To use this file type:
vagrant up
to get and install the virtual machine - this will also install the libraries and depencies and ruby gems for mapwarper into the virtual machine. See /lib/vagrant/
for more details about this process.
After that runs, type vagrant ssh
to login and then you can:
cd /srv/mapwarper
rails c
Create a user in the console, as shown above and then exit
. Then start the server in a relative url root use thin
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec thin --prefix=/warper start
and then browse to http://localhost:3000/warper/
In non-Vagrant circumstances you may want to run it just using rails s
This codebase only supports maps from NYPL via the Digital Collections API (use that link to get an account and token). Fortunately, many of our maps are Public Domain so you can test the warper locally (non PD maps are not downloadable in high-res from the API). The warper imports maps (subject to throttling limits) based on the UUID
visible in the item page (98b7f36a-3d7a-6c65-e040-e00a18064b00
in this case):
- add the generated API token to
- start the server and log in with a super user
- go to
Admin / Imports
- Click
Add New Import
- Select
Import Type
and type in theUUID
and clickCreate
- Click
Start Import
This will take a few minutes to pull the map. You now have a map you can work with and test functionality!
The system can use capistrano for deployment.
There are two main changes to the system. Changes to checked in code, and changes to configuration files. Some configuration files (/config/*
) are not stored in the repository. To change these you need to ssh into the server and change the file. Some .example
files are provided for reference.
Develop, patch the code locally and get it running. Probably the easiest way to start developing is via Vagrant, see above for more details. Once you have Vagrant running, these are some useful commands to make sure updates are reflected:
RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:clobber
RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile
RAILS_ENV=production rails console
touch tmp/restart.txt
sudo service apache2 restart
- ssh into the server
- Find the desired config file
- Edit the file
- Restart the warper:
touch tmp/restart.txt
for API details