A series of three studies exploring (1) what generics communicate about unmentioned groups and (2) a potential mechanism that underlies children's and adults' ability to make inferences about unmentioned groups from generics.
Study 1 and 2 were animated using PowerPoint, and the videos have been made available on this repository. These videos were presented to participants using testable.org.
Study 3 was animated using HTML and CSS. The code for these animations are available at: https://github.com/kelseymoty/pidi-animation. The stimuli were presented to participants using toku: an application for presenting behavorial studies (https://github.com/kelseymoty/toku). The configuration file used specifically for Study 3 is available in the pidi-app
folder in https://github.com/kelseymoty/pidi-animation.
These studies and analyses were pre-registered on the Open Science Framework and are available here: https://osf.io/5nzpe.