HomeAssistant integration for Connector.
This custom component has already been accepted as an official HomeAssistant integration.
- Download this repository by selecting the green "Code" button (top left) and hit "Download ZIP"
- Unzip the downloaded file
- Copy the "Connector" folder including its contents to the HomeAssistant configuration "custom_components" folder (see https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/ for the location of the config folder)
- restart HomeAsssistant (Configuration --> Server Controls --> Restart)
- when HomeAssistant has restarted, go to Configuration --> Integrations
- Now refresh your browser page (hit F5)
- If you now click the "+" icon you can search for "Connector" and it should appear in the list
- Click it and go through the setup of your Connector.
- One way blind only support open close and stop