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Perform better longident parsing.
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This fixes locate when a prefix is given, but reconstruct_identifier is still not giving the correct answer.

This also fix another issue with infix operators.
  • Loading branch information
voodoos committed May 24, 2023
1 parent 7cdcc44 commit 740d244
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Showing 6 changed files with 118 additions and 77 deletions.
93 changes: 50 additions & 43 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -715,7 +715,10 @@ end = struct

let uid_from_longident ~config ~env nss ml_or_mli ident =
let str_ident = String.concat ~sep:"." (Longident.flatten ident) in
let str_ident =
try String.concat ~sep:"." (Longident.flatten ident)
with _-> "Not a flat longident"
match Env_lookup.in_namespaces nss ident env with
| None -> `Not_in_env str_ident
| Some (path, namespace, decl_uid, loc) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,51 +749,55 @@ let from_path ~config ~env ~namespace ml_or_mli path =
| `Found (file, loc) -> `Found (uid, file, loc)
| `File_not_found _ as otherwise -> otherwise

let infer_namespace ?namespaces ~pos lid browse is_label =
match namespaces with
| Some nss ->
if not is_label
then `Ok (nss :> Namespace.inferred list)
else if List.mem `Labels ~set:nss then (
log ~title:"from_string" "restricting namespaces to labels";
`Ok [ `Labels ]
) else (
log ~title:"from_string"
"input is clearly a label, but the given namespaces don't cover that";
`Error `Missing_labels_namespace
| None ->
match Context.inspect_browse_tree ~cursor:pos lid [browse], is_label with
| None, _ ->
log ~title:"from_string" "already at origin, doing nothing" ;
`Error `At_origin
| Some (Label _ as ctxt), true
| Some ctxt, false ->
log ~title:"from_string"
"inferred context: %s" (Context.to_string ctxt);
`Ok (Namespace.from_context ctxt)
| _, true ->
log ~title:"from_string"
"dropping inferred context, it is not precise enough";
`Ok [ `Labels ]

let from_string ~config ~env ~local_defs ~pos ?namespaces switch path =
File_switching.reset ();
let browse = Mbrowse.of_typedtree local_defs in
let lid = Longident.parse path in
let ident, is_label = Longident.keep_suffix lid in
match namespaces with
| Some nss ->
if not is_label
then `Ok (nss :> Namespace.inferred list)
else if List.mem `Labels ~set:nss then (
log ~title:"from_string" "restricting namespaces to labels";
`Ok [ `Labels ]
) else (
log ~title:"from_string"
"input is clearly a label, but the given namespaces don't cover that";
`Error `Missing_labels_namespace
| None ->
match Context.inspect_browse_tree ~cursor:pos lid [browse], is_label with
| None, _ ->
log ~title:"from_string" "already at origin, doing nothing" ;
`Error `At_origin
| Some (Label _ as ctxt), true
| Some ctxt, false ->
log ~title:"from_string"
"inferred context: %s" (Context.to_string ctxt);
`Ok (Namespace.from_context ctxt)
| _, true ->
log ~title:"from_string"
"dropping inferred context, it is not precise enough";
`Ok [ `Labels ]
| `Error e -> e
| `Ok nss ->
log ~title:"from_string"
"looking for the source of '%s' (prioritizing %s files)"
path (match switch with `ML -> ".ml" | `MLI -> ".mli");
match from_longident ~config ~env nss switch ident with
| `File_not_found _ | `Not_found _ | `Not_in_env _ as err -> err
| `Builtin -> `Builtin path
| `Found (uid, loc) ->
match find_source ~config loc path with
| `Found (file, loc) -> `Found (uid, file, loc)
| `File_not_found _ as otherwise -> otherwise
let lid = Type_utils.parse_longident path in
let from_lid lid =
let ident, is_label = Longident.keep_suffix lid in
match infer_namespace ?namespaces ~pos lid browse is_label with
| `Error e -> e
| `Ok nss ->
log ~title:"from_string"
"looking for the source of '%s' (prioritizing %s files)"
path (match switch with `ML -> ".ml" | `MLI -> ".mli");
match from_longident ~config ~env nss switch ident with
| `File_not_found _ | `Not_found _ | `Not_in_env _ as err -> err
| `Builtin -> `Builtin path
| `Found (uid, loc) ->
match find_source ~config loc path with
| `Found (file, loc) -> `Found (uid, file, loc)
| `File_not_found _ as otherwise -> otherwise
Option.value_map ~f:from_lid ~default:(`Not_found (path, None)) lid

(** When we look for docstring in external compilation unit we can perform
a uid-based search and return the attached comment in the attributes.
Expand Down
43 changes: 30 additions & 13 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,23 @@ let parse_expr ?(keywords=Lexer_raw.keywords []) expr =
let lexer lexbuf = lexer (Lexer_raw.token_without_comments state lexbuf) in
Parser_raw.parse_expression lexer lexbuf

let parse_longident lid =
let protected_lid =
Pprintast.protect_ident (Format.str_formatter) lid;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string protected_lid in
let state = Lexer_raw.make @@ Lexer_raw.keywords [] in
let rec lexer = function
| Lexer_raw.Fail (e,l) -> raise (Lexer_raw.Error (e,l))
| Lexer_raw.Return token -> token
| Lexer_raw.Refill k -> lexer (k ())
let lexer lexbuf = lexer (Lexer_raw.token_without_comments state lexbuf) in
try Some (Parser_raw.parse_any_longident lexer lexbuf)
with Parser_raw.Error -> None

let lookup_module name env =
let path, md = Env.find_module_by_name name env in
path, md.Types.md_type, md.Types.md_attributes
Expand All @@ -52,7 +69,7 @@ module Printtyp = struct

let expand_type env ty =
Env.with_cmis @@ fun () -> (* ?? Not sure *)
match !verbosity with
match !verbosity with
| Smart | Lvl 0 -> ty
| Lvl (_ : int) ->
(* Fresh copy of the type to mutilate *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,32 +119,32 @@ module Printtyp = struct
let verbose_modtype env ppf t =
Printtyp.modtype ppf (expand_sig env t)

let select_by_verbosity ~default ?(smart=default) ~verbose =
let select_by_verbosity ~default ?(smart=default) ~verbose =
match !verbosity with
| Smart -> smart
| Lvl 0 -> default
| Lvl _ -> verbose

let type_scheme env ppf ty =
let type_scheme env ppf ty =
~verbose:(verbose_type_scheme env)) ppf ty

let type_declaration env id ppf =
let type_declaration env id ppf =
~verbose:(verbose_type_declaration env)) id ppf

let modtype env ppf mty =
let smart ppf = function
let smart ppf = function
| Types.Mty_ident _ | Mty_alias _ -> verbose_modtype env ppf mty
| _ -> modtype ppf mty
| _ -> modtype ppf mty
~verbose:(verbose_modtype env)
~smart) ppf mty

let wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity:v f =
let_ref verbosity v (fun () -> wrap_printing_env env f)
Expand Down
36 changes: 19 additions & 17 deletions src/analysis/type_utils.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,22 +49,22 @@ val mod_smallerthan : int -> Types.module_type -> int option
otherwise (module is bigger than threshold).
Used to skip printing big modules in completion. *)

val type_in_env :
-> ?keywords:Lexer_raw.keywords
-> context: Context.t
-> Env.t
-> Format.formatter
-> string
val type_in_env :
-> ?keywords:Lexer_raw.keywords
-> context: Context.t
-> Env.t
-> Format.formatter
-> string
-> bool
(** [type_in_env env ppf input] parses [input] and prints its type on [ppf].
Returning true if it printed a type, false otherwise. *)

val print_type_with_decl :
-> Env.t
-> Format.formatter
-> Types.type_expr
val print_type_with_decl :
-> Env.t
-> Format.formatter
-> Types.type_expr
-> unit
(** [print_type_or_decl] behaves like [Printtyp.type_scheme], it prints the
type expression, except if it is a type constructor and verbosity is set then
Expand All @@ -80,9 +80,11 @@ val read_doc_attributes : Parsetree.attributes -> (string * Location.t) option

val is_deprecated : Parsetree.attributes -> bool

val print_constr :
-> Env.t
-> Format.formatter
-> Types.constructor_description
val print_constr :
-> Env.t
-> Format.formatter
-> Types.constructor_description
-> unit

val parse_longident : string -> Longident.t option
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ val tyvar: Format.formatter -> string -> unit

(* merlin *)
val case_list : Format.formatter -> list -> unit
val protect_ident : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions tests/test-dirs/locate/issue1610.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@

FIXME: we should jump to the functor's body, not the current definition
This is due to an issue with identifier-reconstruction
$ $MERLIN single locate -look-for ml -position 11:15 \
> -filename <
Expand All @@ -27,11 +28,17 @@ FIXME: we should jump to the functor's body, not the current definition
"notifications": []

FIXME: same when the user inputs the expression manually
It works as expected when the user inputs the expression manually
$ $MERLIN single locate -prefix 'M(T).t' -look-for ml -position 11:15 \
> -filename <
"class": "return",
"value": "Not in environment 'M(T).t'",
"value": {
"file": "$TESTCASE_ROOT/",
"pos": {
"line": 6,
"col": 2
"notifications": []
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions tests/test-dirs/locate/issue949.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
This test is for testing the behavior of identifiers with a . in them:

$ $MERLIN single locate -look-for ml -position 2:16 ./ < ./
$ $MERLIN single locate -look-for ml -position 2:16 \
> -filename ./ < ./
"class": "return",
"value": "Not in environment ''",
"value": {
"file": "$TESTCASE_ROOT/",
"pos": {
"line": 1,
"col": 22
"notifications": []

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