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ohbase table group route
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foronedream committed Mar 8, 2024
1 parent dac8296 commit 54344dd
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Showing 6 changed files with 467 additions and 27 deletions.
145 changes: 142 additions & 3 deletions src/main/java/com/alipay/oceanbase/rpc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,10 @@ public class ObTableClient extends AbstractObTableClient implements Lifecycle {
private int odpPort = 2883;

private ObTable odpTable = null;
// tableGroup <-> Table
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Lock> TableGroupCacheLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Lock>();
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> TableGroupCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // tableGroup -> Table
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> TableGroupInverted = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // Table -> tableGroup

* Init.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -572,7 +576,7 @@ private <T> T execute(String tableName, TableExecuteCallback<T> callback, ObServ
} else {
logger.warn("exhaust retry when replica not readable: {}",
RUNTIME.error("replica not readable", ex);
throw ex;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1285,6 +1289,45 @@ private TableEntry refreshTableEntry(TableEntry tableEntry, String tableName, bo
return tableEntry;

* 根据 tableGroup 获取其中一个tableName
* @param realTableName
* @param tableName
* @return
* @throws Exception
private String refreshTableName(String realTableName, String tableName) throws Exception {
TableEntryKey tableEntryKey = new TableEntryKey(clusterName, tenantName, database,
try {
realTableName = loadTableNameWithGroup(serverRoster, //
serverAddressCachingTimeout, sysUA);
} catch (ObTableNotExistException e) {
RUNTIME.error("refreshTableName from tableGroup meet exception", e);
throw e;
} catch (ObTableServerCacheExpiredException e) {
RUNTIME.error("refreshTableEntry from tableGroup meet exception", e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
RUNTIME.error("refreshTableEntry from tableGroup meet exception", tableEntryKey, realTableName, e);
throw new ObTableNotExistException(String.format(
"failed to get table name key=%s original tableName=%s ", tableEntryKey,
realTableName), e);
TableGroupCache.put(tableName, realTableName);
TableGroupInverted.put(realTableName, tableName);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
"get table name from tableGroup, dataSource: {}, tableName: {}, refresh: {} key:{} realTableName:{} ",
dataSourceName, tableName, true, tableEntryKey, realTableName);
return realTableName;

* 根据 rowkey 获取分区 id
* @param tableEntry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1679,6 +1722,79 @@ public List<ObPair<Long, ObTableParam>> getTables(String tableName, Object[] sta
return obTableParams;

* get table name with table group
* @param tableName
* @param refresh
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String tryGetTableNameFromTableGroupCache(final String tableName, final boolean refresh) throws Exception {
String realTableName = TableGroupCache.get(tableName); // tableGroup -> Table
// get tableName from cache
if (realTableName != null && !realTableName.isEmpty() && !refresh) {
return realTableName;

// not find in cache, should get tableName from observer
Lock tempLock = new ReentrantLock();
Lock lock = TableGroupCacheLocks.putIfAbsent(tableName, tempLock);
lock = (lock == null) ? tempLock : lock; // check the first lock

// attempt lock the refreshing action, avoiding concurrent refreshing
// use the time-out mechanism, avoiding the rpc hanging up
boolean acquired = lock.tryLock(metadataRefreshLockTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

if (!acquired) {
String errMsg = "try to lock tableGroup inflect timeout " + "dataSource:"
+ dataSourceName + " ,tableName:" + tableName
+ " , timeout:" + metadataRefreshLockTimeout + ".";
throw new ObTableEntryRefreshException(errMsg);

try {
String newRealTableName = TableGroupCache.get(tableName);
if (((realTableName == null || realTableName.isEmpty()) && (newRealTableName == null || newRealTableName.isEmpty()))
|| (refresh && newRealTableName.equalsIgnoreCase(realTableName))) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
if (realTableName != null && !realTableName.isEmpty()) {
"realTableName need refresh, create new table entry, tablename: {}",
} else {"realTableName not exist, create new table entry, tablename: {}",

try {
return refreshTableName(realTableName, tableName);
} catch (ObTableNotExistException e) {
RUNTIME.error("getOrRefreshTableName from TableGroup meet exception", e);
throw e;
} catch (ObTableServerCacheExpiredException e) {
RUNTIME.error("getOrRefreshTableName from TableGroup meet exception", e);

if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"server addr is expired and it will refresh metadata.");
} catch (Throwable t) {
RUNTIME.error("getOrRefreshTableName from TableGroup meet exception", t);
throw t;
// failure reach the try times may all the server change
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"refresh table Name from TableGroup failure");
return newRealTableName;
} finally {

* Aggregate.
* @param tableName table want to aggregate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2570,13 +2686,25 @@ public ObPayload execute(final ObTableAbstractOperationRequest request) throws E
return batchOpsResult.getResults().get(0);
} else if (request instanceof ObTableQueryRequest) {
ObTableClientQueryImpl tableQuery = new ObTableClientQueryImpl(request.getTableName(),
// TableGroup -> TableName
String tableName = request.getTableName();
if (((ObTableQueryRequest) request).getTableQuery().isHbaseQuery()
&& isTableGroupName(tableName)) {
tableName = tryGetTableNameFromTableGroupCache(tableName, false);
ObTableClientQueryImpl tableQuery = new ObTableClientQueryImpl(tableName,
((ObTableQueryRequest) request).getTableQuery(), this);
return new ObClusterTableQuery(tableQuery).executeInternal();
} else if (request instanceof ObTableQueryAsyncRequest) {
// TableGroup -> TableName
String tableName = request.getTableName();
if (((ObTableQueryAsyncRequest) request).getObTableQueryRequest().getTableQuery().isHbaseQuery()
&& isTableGroupName(tableName)) {
tableName = tryGetTableNameFromTableGroupCache(tableName, false);
ObTableClientQueryAsyncImpl tableClientQueryAsync = new ObTableClientQueryAsyncImpl(
request.getTableName(), ((ObTableQueryAsyncRequest) request)
tableName, ((ObTableQueryAsyncRequest) request)
.getObTableQueryRequest().getTableQuery(), this);
return new ObClusterTableAsyncQuery(tableClientQueryAsync)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3086,4 +3214,15 @@ public String toString() {
+ ", \n ocpModel = " + ocpModel + "\n}\n";

public ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> getTableGroupInverted() {
return TableGroupInverted;

* check table name whether group name
public boolean isTableGroupName(String tabName) {
return !tabName.contains("$");

160 changes: 158 additions & 2 deletions src/main/java/com/alipay/oceanbase/rpc/location/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ public class LocationUtil {
private static final String home = System.getProperty("user.home",

private static final String TABLE_GROUP_GET_TABLE_NAME_V4 = "SELECT /*+READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK)*/ table_name " +
"WHERE tablegroup_name = ? and tenant_id = ? limit 1;";

private static final int TEMPLATE_PART_ID = -1;

private abstract static class TableEntryRefreshWithPriorityCallback<T> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,6 +441,155 @@ TableEntry execute(Connection connection)

private abstract static class GetTableNameWithPriorityCallback<T> {
abstract T execute(ObServerAddr obServerAddr) throws ObTableNotExistException;

private abstract static class GetTableNameCallback<T> {
abstract T execute(Connection connection) throws ObTableNotExistException;

* call TableName with group
private static String callTableNameRefresh(ObServerAddr obServerAddr, TableEntryKey key,
long connectTimeout, long socketTimeout,
ObUserAuth sysUA, boolean initialized,
GetTableNameCallback<String> callback)
throws ObTableNotExistException {
String url = formatObServerUrl(obServerAddr, connectTimeout, socketTimeout);
Connection connection = null;
String realTableName;
try {
connection = getMetaRefreshConnection(url, sysUA);
realTableName = callback.execute(connection);
} catch (ObTableNotExistException e) {
// avoid to refresh meta for ObTableNotExistException
RUNTIME.error("callTableName meet exception", e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ObTableNotExistException(format(
"fail to get table name from remote url=%s, key=%s", url, key), e);
} finally {
try {
if (null != connection) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// ignore

if (realTableName != null && !realTableName.isEmpty()) {
return realTableName;
} else {
throw new ObTableNotExistException("table name is invalid, addr = " + obServerAddr
+ " key =" + key + " tableName =" + realTableName);


* call table name with group
private static String callTableNameWithGroup(ServerRoster serverRoster,
long priorityTimeout,
long cachingTimeout,
GetTableNameWithPriorityCallback<String> callable)
throws ObTableNotExistException {
ObServerAddr addr = serverRoster.getServer(priorityTimeout, cachingTimeout);
try {
String realTableName = callable.execute(addr);
return realTableName;
} catch (ObTableNotExistException e) {
RUNTIME.error("callTableEntryNameWithPriority meet exception", e);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
RUNTIME.error("callTableEntryNameWithPriority meet exception", t);
throw t;

* load Table Name With table Group
public static String loadTableNameWithGroup(final ServerRoster serverRoster,
final TableEntryKey key,
final long connectTimeout,
final long socketTimeout,
final long priorityTimeout,
final long cachingTimeout,
final ObUserAuth sysUA)
throws ObTableNotExistException {
return callTableNameWithGroup(serverRoster, priorityTimeout, cachingTimeout,
new GetTableNameWithPriorityCallback<String>() {
String execute(ObServerAddr obServerAddr) throws ObTableEntryRefreshException {
return callTableNameRefresh(obServerAddr, key, connectTimeout, socketTimeout,
sysUA, true, new GetTableNameCallback<String>() {
String execute(Connection connection)
throws ObTableEntryRefreshException {
return getTableNameFromRemote(connection, key);

* get TableName From Remote with Group
private static String getTableNameFromRemote(Connection connection, TableEntryKey key)
throws ObTableNotExistException {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String realTableName = "";
int tenantId = -1;
try {
if (ObGlobal.obVsnMajor() == 0) {
tenantId = checkTenantExistFromRemote(connection, key);
if (ObGlobal.obVsnMajor() >= 4) {
ps = connection.prepareStatement(TABLE_GROUP_GET_TABLE_NAME_V4);
ps.setString(1, key.getTableName());
ps.setString(2, String.valueOf(tenantId));
} else {
throw new ObTableNotExistException(format(
"fail to get table name from remote in low version than 4, key=%s", key));
rs = ps.executeQuery();
while ( {
realTableName = rs.getString("table_name");

} catch (ObTableNotExistException e) {
// avoid to refresh meta for ObTableNotExistException
RUNTIME.error("getTableNameFromRemote meet exception", e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
RUNTIME.error("getTableNameFromRemote meet exception", e);
throw new ObTableNotExistException(format(
"fail to get table name from remote, key=%s", key), e);
} finally {
try {
if (null != rs) {
if (null != ps) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// ignore
return realTableName;

* Load table entry randomly.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,13 +639,15 @@ private static void getObVersionFromRemote(Connection connection)

// check tenant exist or not
private static void checkTenantExistFromRemote(Connection connection, TableEntryKey key)
private static int checkTenantExistFromRemote(Connection connection, TableEntryKey key)
throws ObTableEntryRefreshException {
try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(OB_TENANT_EXIST_SQL)) {
ps.setString(1, key.getTenantName());
try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
if (! {
throw new ObTableEntryRefreshException("fail to get tenant id from remote");
} else {
return rs.getInt("tenant_id");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ObTableEntryRefreshException("fail to get tenant id from remote", e);
Expand All @@ -508,11 +663,12 @@ private static TableEntry getTableEntryFromRemote(Connection connection, TableEn
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
TableEntry tableEntry;
int tenantId = -1;
try {
if (ObGlobal.obVsnMajor() == 0) {
checkTenantExistFromRemote(connection, key);
tenantId = checkTenantExistFromRemote(connection, key);
if (ObGlobal.obVsnMajor() >= 4) {
if (key.getTableName().equals(Constants.ALL_DUMMY_TABLE)) {
ps = connection.prepareStatement(PROXY_DUMMY_LOCATION_SQL_V4);
Expand Down

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