This is an alternative client for the auto generated Google.Apis.Gmail.v1 Client Library.
- Create a new project in the Google Cloud Console (Guide)
- Create a OAuth consent screen (Guide)
- Publish the app or add any test users
- Create Desktop application credentials and download the client secret JSON file (Guide)
- Enable the Gmail API
One-time setup which opens the browser to authenticate the user.
// Define the required scopes
const GmailScopes scopes = GmailScopes.Readonly | GmailScopes.Send;
var broker = new GmailAuthenticationBroker();
var token = await broker.AuthenticateAsync("oauth_client_credentials.json", scopes);
var tokenStore = new FileTokenStore("token.json");
await tokenStore.StoreTokenAsync(token);
// Use the previously created files
var tokenClient = TokenClient.Create("oauth_client_credentials.json");
var tokenStore = new FileTokenStore("token.json");
using var client = new GmailClient(tokenClient, tokenStore);
// Send a plain text email
Message plainMessage = await client.Messages.SendAsync("[email protected]", "Subject", "Plain text body");
// Send a HTML email
Message htmlMessage = await client.Messages.SendAsync("[email protected]", "Subject", "<h1>HTML body</h1>", isBodyHtml: true);
// Get the users profile
Profile profile = await client.GetProfileAsync();
// Get inbox messages
IList<Message> messages = await client.Messages.ListAsync();
// Get starred messages
IList<Message> starredMessages = await client.Messages.ListByLabelAsync(Label.Starred);
// List all labels
IList<Label> labels = await client.Labels.ListAsync();
// List all drafts
IList<Draft> drafts = await client.Drafts.ListAsync();