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Getting Started

Required Node Versions

Node Version for building the app: 10

Node Version for deploying to Firebase and for the cloud functions: 20

Start locally

$ npm install
$ npm start [--project={PROJECT_NAME}]

Then open in your browser.


  • project (optional): Name of the project. There must a configuration file called {PROJECT_NAME}.json be available in the projects directory. The default project is lszt.

How to Test

$ npm test

How to Deploy

Install the required node modules

$ npm install


  • project (optional): Name of the project. There must a configuration file called {PROJECT_NAME}.json be available in the projects directory. The default project is lszt.
Development or test environment
$ npm run build [--project={PROJECT_NAME}]
Production environment
$ npm run build:prod [--project={PROJECT_NAME}]

Push to Firebase

Node version for this step: 20

Prerequisites: Firebase Tools must be installed (npm install -g firebase-tools@13).

Caution: Ensure that you have selected the right Firebase project (list all projects by typing firebase list and change it if necessary (with firebase use)).

Set up env

Set the realtime database name for the cloud functions:

firebase functions:config:set rtdb.instance={RTDB NAME}

(e.g. firebase functions:config:set rtdb.instance=lszt-test)

Deploy app

Before executing this command, make sure the correct project was built using the Node version mentioned at the beginning of this document.

$ firebase target:apply database main {RTDB NAME}
$ firebase deploy --only hosting,database:main

(e.g. lszt-test for {RTDB NAME})

Deploy cloud functions

Use the following commands to deploy the cloud functions.

Before executing these commands, make sure you selected the correct Node version for the cloud functions, which is mentioned at the beginning of this document.

$ cd functions && npm ci && cd ..
$ firebase deploy --only functions

Cloud functions


Can be called to create a custom authentication token. Has to be called via POST.

There are two authentication modes implemented: ip and flightnet.

Mode ip

Returns a token if the request comes from one of the allowed IP addresses. The allowed addresses can be configured via the configuration property auth.ips. The following example sets the IP addresses and as allowed IP addresses.

$ firebase functions:config:set auth.ips="," 

Request example:

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"mode": "ip"}' \

Mode flightnet

Returns a token if the given credentials are valid Flightnet credentials. You have to send the flightnet company, the username and the password in the request body.

Request example:

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"mode": "flightnet", "company": "<FLIGHTNET_COMPANY>", "username": "<FLIGHTNET_USERNAME>", "password": "<FLIGHTNET_PASSWORD>"}' \
Test credentials

For testing purposes, test credentials can be set for this mode. If test credentials are set, authentication will never be delegated to the Flightnet authentication service.

Set the test credentials in the function config:

$ firebase functions:config:set auth.testcredentials.username="foo"
$ firebase functions:config:set auth.testcredentials.password="bar"

Request example (company not needed in request body):

curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"mode": "flightnet", "username": "foo", "password": "bar"}' \


URL: https://us-central1-<PROJECT_ID>

Aerodrome status

Returns the current aerodrome status.

GET /api/aerodrome/status

Returns (example):

  status: "closed",
  last_update_by: "Hans Meier",
  last_update_date: "2020-04-12T22:29:01.565Z",
  message: "Flugplatz geschlossen. Kinderspielplatz und Restaurant geschlossen."

If no status is set, {} is returned.

Import users


POST an array of users to this endpoint to sync the users list.

New users are added, existing ones are updated, and those which are saved in the database, but not present in the given users array are removed from the database.

Example payload:

POST /api/users/import

  "users": [
      "memberNr": "48434",
      "firstname": "John",
      "lastname": "Doe",
      "phone": "+41791234567",
      "email": "[email protected]"
      "memberNr": "30443",
      "firstname": "Jane",
      "lastname": "Smith",
      "phone": "+41791234568",
      "email": "[email protected]"

This endpoint requires a Basic Auth header (username and password to use set in the function config: api.serviceuser.username and api.serviceuser.password).