This Webpack plugins lets you turn the breakpoints YAML-file from a Drupal theme into variables in a scss-file.
To achieve this this the plugin uses the following package drupal-breakpoints-scss.
npm install --save-dev @oddhill/drupal-breakpoints-scss-webpack-plugin
# OR
yarn add --dev @oddhill/drupal-breakpoints-scss-webpack-plugin
const DrupalBreakpointsScssPlugin = require('@oddhill/drupal-breakpoints-scss-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
new DrupalBreakpointsScssPlugin({
entry: 'theme.breakpoints.yml',
output: 'breakpoints.scss',
// ...
The options for the plugin are required, both the entry and output options must be defined.
Path to the file containing the theme breakpoints. (Required)output:
Path of the file to write the scss variables to. (Required)