This project uses Terraform to deploy a 3-Tier Architecture on AWS which consists of the following:
Virtual Private Cloud
Private, public and database subnets.
Bastion, private and database EC2 instances.
Internet gateway for Bastion EC2 instances.
NAT gateway for private EC2 instances to communicate with the internet.
Elastic IPs assigned for NAT gateways.
No routes created from NAT gateway to database instances.
Install Terraform
Install AWS CLI
Generate key pair for connection to EC2 instances in AWS console. Name it
. ChooseRSA
key pair type and use.pem
key file format. -
Minimum required version of Kubernetes is
Shell scripts used to automate deployment of kubernetes cluster to private EC2 instances with kubespray.
Inventory list for ansible is dynamically build with .tpl
Clone this repository to local machine
cd /
git clone [email protected]:odennav/terraform-aws-vpc-kubespray.git
cd terraform-kubernetes-aws-vpc-kubespray/terraform
Implement terraform commands sequentially in local machine to create the AWS infrastructure.
Initialize terraform working directory
terraform init
Validate the syntax of the terraform configuration files
terraform validate
Create an execution plan that describes the changes terraform will make to the infrastructure
terraform plan
Apply the changes described in execution plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
Check AWS console for instances created and running
Use the .pem
key from AWS to SSH into the public EC2 instance.
IPv4 address of public EC2 instance will be shown in terraform outputs.
ssh -i private-key/terraform-key.pem ec2-user@<ipaddress>
Its possible to use public EC2 instance as a jumpbox to ssh into private EC2 instances within the VPC.
Change root password upon first-Login to dev-Control
sudo passwd
Switch to root user.
Add new user to sudo group. In this case new user is odennav-admin
sudo useradd odennav-admin
sudo usermod -aG wheel odennav-admin
Test sudo privileges by switching to new user
su - odennav-admin
sudo ls /root
You'll notice prompt to enter your user password.
To disable this prompt for every sudo command, implement the following:
Add sudoers file for odennav-admin
cd /etc/sudoers.d/
sudo echo "odennav-admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > odennav-admin
Set permissions for sudoers file
sudo chmod 0440 odennav-admin
Update yum package manager
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum upgrade -y
Confirm Git was installed by terraform
git --version
Confirm terraform-key was transferred to public EC2 instance by null provisioner
should be copied to another folder because it will be deleted if node is restarted or shutdown
ls -la /tmp/terraform-key.pem
cp /tmp/terraform-key.pem /
Change permissions of terraform-key.pem file
SSH test will fail if permissions of .pem
key are not secure enough
sudo chmod 400 /tmp/terraform-key.pem
Clone this repository to control-dev
cd /
git clone [email protected]:odennav/terraform-aws-vpc-kubespray.git
git clone [email protected]:kubernetes-sigs/kubespray.git
Copy IPv4 adresses of private EC2 instances deployed by Terraform
Check IPv4 addresses in inventory
file and input them in bash-scripts/ipaddr-list.txt
Don't change format seen in .txt
file, ip addresses will be read by the shell scripts.
For security reasons, don't share your private ips.
Install yum and python utilities
sudo chmod 770 dependencies-install
sudo ./dependencies-install
Setup nodes for Kubernetes cluster
sudo chmod 770
sudo ./
Change directory to your local kubespray repository and execute the ansilbe playbook to deploy kubernetes cluster with kubespray
cd /kubespray
ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml --become --become-user=odennav-admin cluster.yml
To tear down the infrastructure created by Terraform.
terraform destroy