Generates documentation files for pug.js mixins, blocks and more.
All mixins with comments starting with the @pugdoc
markup will be documented.
The documentation follows the JSDoc / TSDoc standards.
At the moment, the following tags are supported:
- @param
Normal typed parameters
@param {string} paramName Parameter description
Interface params:
@param {{ interfaceProperty: string }} interfaceParamName Interface parameter are also supported
First of all, install it using your favorite package manager.
yarn install pug-doc-generator
npm i pug-doc-generator
Then, you can integrate it in your project:
//- @pugdoc
This mixin will be documented
@param {string} param A string parameter
mixin documented_mixin(param)
="Hello world!"
const pugDocGen = require("pug-doc-generator");
input: "./src/**/*.pug",
output: "./out"
You can also run it via command line:
pug-doc-generator --input="./src/**/*.pug" --output="./out" --types="html"
yarn pug-doc-generator --input="./src/**/*.pug" --output="./out" --types="html"
For more information about command line parameters, run pug-doc-generator --help