Just another ✨Backend API Framework✨ for typescript
Currently it's just me trying to create a javascript framework for making APIs. This is definitely inspired from the Express framework
the Server
class in main.js
file can be initialized which will create an HTTP server and you can use the listen function to listen to a specific port
the Request
class in the Request.js
file holds the request object which can be used to access all the properties for the http request.
npm install raments
- Using the annotations syntax
import Ramen, {Request, Response} from "raments"
import { Route, Get } from "raments/dist/src/router";
const ramen = new Ramen();
class PostRouter {
fetchPostWithId(req: Request<{id: string}>, res: Response) {
const postId = req.params.id;
const post: object = fetchPost(postId);
return res.send(post);
ramen.appendRouter("/api", PostRouter);
ramen.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, (_port) => {
console.log(`[SERVER]: Running on port ${_port}`);
- Using the Router API
import Ramen, {Request, Response} from "raments";
import Router from "raments/dist/src/router";
const ramen = new Ramen();
const postRouter = Router("/posts");
postRouter.append("/:id", "GET", (req: Request<{id: string}>, res: Response) => {
const postId = req.params.id;
const post: object = fetchPostById(postId);
return res.send(post);
ramen.appendRouter("/posts", postRouter);
ramen.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, (_port) => {
console.log(`[SERVER]: Running on port ${_port}`);
- or you can simply add methods in the ramen object directly!
import Ramen from "raments";
import Request from "raments/dist/src/Request";
import Response from "raments/dist/src/Response";
const ramen = new Ramen();
ramen.append("/posts/:id", "GET", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const postId = req.params.id;
const post: object = fetchPostById(postId);
return res.send(post);
ramen.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, (_port) => {
console.log(`[SERVER]: Running on port ${_port}`);
Request is a generic class with this definition
class Request<RouteParameters = {[key: string]: string}, Body = {[key: string]: string}, QueryParams = {[key: string]: string}>
this helps you to get good type definition in your IDE for yout request properties.
The Request class hold the following properties
method: string; headers: IHeaders; _url: string; socket: Socket; queryParams: QueryParams | object; ip: string; body: Body | undefined; params: RouteParameters | undefined; cookies: { [k: string]: string }; raw_body: string; locals?: { [k: string]: string }; data_completed: boolean; logFunction?: (data: logInfo) => void; define: () => void;
Response class has the following properties
cookies: (_cookies: { [k:string]: { val: string; path: string; [k:string]: string } }) => void; send: (data: number | string | object, status: number) => void; setStatus: (value: number) => void; sendFile: async (path: string) => void; render: (path: string, options: object = {}, status=200) => void;
The Ramen class has the following properties
constructor: (isRouter: boolean = false, locals = {}) => new Ramen; defaultAppend: (cb: (req: Request, res: Response) => any) => void; append: (path: string, method: string = "GET", ...cb: Array<(req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) => any>) => void; appendRouter: (router: Router) => void; listen: (port: number, cb: (port: number) => void = (port: number) => { console.log(`SERVER RUNNING on port : ${port}`); }) => void;
- Create a cli for code generation
- Implement automatic documentation
- Add
decorator (x) - Write documentation and create better examples