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Register Marathon Tasks as Consul Services for service discovery.

marathon-consul takes information provided by the Marathon event bus and forwards it to Consul agents. It also re-syncs all the information from Marathon to Consul on startup and repeats it with given interval.


This project is based on


  • CiscoCloud/marthon-consul copies application information to Consul KV while allegro/marathon-consul registers tasks as Consul services (it is more similar to CiscoCloud/mesos-consul)
  • CiscoCloud/mesos-consul uses polling while allegro/marathon-consul uses Marathon's event bus to detect changes
  • CiscoCloud/marathon-consul is no longer developed (see comment)


Installing from source code

To simply compile and run the source code:

go run main.go [options]

To run the tests:

make test

To build the binary:

make build

Installing from binary distribution

Binary distribution of marathon-consul can be downloaded directly from the releases page. Download the build dedicated to your OS. After unpacking the archive, run marathon-consul binary. You can also add some options, for example:

marathon-consul --marathon-location=marathon.service.consul:8080 --sync-interval=5m --log-level=debug

Installing via APT package manager

If you are a Debian/Ubuntu user, you can easily install marathon-consul as a deb package using APT package manager. Both upstart and systemd service managers are supported. All releases are published as deb packages to our repository at Bintray.

To install marathon-consul with apt-get, simply follow the instructions:

# add our public key to apt
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
# add the repository url
echo "deb /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/marathon-consul.list
# update apt cache
sudo apt-get -y update
# install latest release of marathon-consul
sudo apt-get -qy install marathon-consul

Run it with service marathon-consul start. The configuration file is located at /etc/marathon-consul.d/config.json.

Setting up marathon-consul after installation

The Marathon event bus should point to /events. You can set up the event subscription with a call similar to this one:

curl -X POST 'http://marathon.service.consul:8080/v2/eventSubscriptions?callbackUrl=http://marathon-consul.service.consul:4000/events'


  • marathon-consul should be installed on all Marathon masters, and subscription should be set to localhost to reduce network traffic
  • Consul Agents should be available at every Mesos Slave, tasks will be registered at hosts their run on.
  • Only tasks which are labeled as consul will be registered in Consul. By default the registered service name is equal to Marathon's application name. A different name can be provided as the label's value, e.g. consul:customName. As an exception of the rule, for backward compatibility with the 0.3.x branch, a value of true is resolved to the default name.
  • Only services with tag specified by consul-tag property will be maintained. This tag is automatically added during registration. Important: it should be unique for every Marathon cluster connected to Consul.
  • At least one HTTP healthcheck should be defined for a task. The task is registered when Marathon marks it's as alive.
  • Provided HTTP healtcheck will be transferred to Consul.
  • Labels with tag value will be converted to Consul tags, e.g. (note: consul-tag is set to marathon) labels: ["public":"tag", "varnish":"tag", "env": "test"]tags: ["public", "varnish", "marathon"].
  • The scheduled Marathon-consul sync may run in two modes:
    • Only on node that is the current Marathon-leader, sync-leader parameter should be set to hostname:port the current node appears in the Marathon cluster. This mode is enabled by default and the sync-leader property is set to the hostname resolved by OS. Note that there is a difference between sync-leader and marathon-location: sync-leader is used for node leadership detection (should be set to cluster-wide node name), while marathon-location is used for connection purpose (may be set to localhost)
    • On every node, sync-force parameter should be set to true


Argument Default Description
config-file Path to a JSON file to read configuration from. Note: Will override options set earlier on the command line. See example.
consul-auth false Use Consul with authentication
consul-auth-password The basic authentication password
consul-auth-username The basic authentication username
consul-port 8500 Consul port
consul-ssl false Use HTTPS when talking to Consul
consul-ssl-ca-cert Path to a CA certificate file, containing one or more CA certificates to use to validate the certificate sent by the Consul server to us
consul-ssl-cert Path to an SSL client certificate to use to authenticate to the Consul server
consul-ssl-verify true Verify certificates when connecting via SSL
consul-token The Consul ACL token
consul-tag marathon Common tag name added to every service registered in Consul, should be unique for every Marathon-cluster connected to Consul
consul-timeout 3s Time limit for requests made by the Consul HTTP client. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
listen :4000 Accept connections at this address
log-level info Log level: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, or debug
log-format text Log format: JSON, text
log-file Save logs to file (e.g.: /var/log/marathon-consul.log). If empty logs are published to STDERR
marathon-location localhost:8080 Marathon URL
marathon-password Marathon password for basic auth
marathon-protocol http Marathon protocol (http or https)
marathon-username Marathon username for basic auth
marathon-timeout 30s Time limit for requests made by the Marathon HTTP client. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
metrics-interval 30s Metrics reporting interval Note: While using file configuration intervals should be provided in nanoseconds
metrics-location Graphite URL (used when metrics-target is set to graphite)
metrics-prefix default Metrics prefix (resolved to <hostname>.<app_name> by default)
metrics-target stdout Metrics destination stdout or graphite (empty string disables metrics)
sync-enabled true Enable Marathon-consul scheduled sync
sync-interval 15m0s Marathon-consul sync interval Note: While using file configuration intervals should be provided in nanoseconds
sync-leader <hostname>:8080 Marathon cluster-wide node name (defaults to <hostname>:8080), the sync will run only if the node is the current Marathon-leader
sync-force false Force leadership-independent Marathon-consul sync (run always)


Endpoint Description
/health healthcheck - returns OK
/events event sink - returns OK if all keys are set in an event, error message otherwise

Known limitations

The following section describes known limitations in marathon-consul.

  • Every marathon application needs to have a unique service name in Consul.
  • In Marathon when a deployment changing the application's service name (by changing its labels) is being stopped, it changes app's configuration anyway. This means we loose the link between the app and the services registered with the old name in Consul. Later on, if another deployment takes place, new services are registered with a new name, the old ones are not being deregistered though. A scheduled sync is required to wipe them out.


Marathon-consul is released under the Apache 2.0 license (see LICENSE)


Event-based registration of Marathon apps in Consul







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  • Go 99.1%
  • Other 0.9%