Tools to automatically generate useful devcards from view specs.
- If you spec your views then we can generate data. Yay.
- The generated data isn't interesting. Boo!
- This library provides "interesting generators", think lorem-ipsum. Yay!
- Devcards would only show one example, Boo!
- This library includes a wrapper to make the devcard generators interactive. Yay!
- Specifying a devcard for every function is haaard! Boo!
- This library (will) include a helper to generate devcards for all spec fns in a namespace. Yay!
- [insert next pain point]... [boo]
- [contribute new feature]... [yay]
First code pushed. Very little input or testing. Treat as alpha.
- Goals of clojure.spec work:
- Experience report of generative ui testing from JUXT:
- Related discussion with Bruce: bhauman/devcards#112
- Prototype code:
[devcards.core :refer [defcard]])
[cljs.spec :as s]
[devcards-vs-clojure-spec.core :as core]
[devcards-vs-clojure-spec.generators :as gen]
[sablono.core :as sab]))
(defn my-table
(my-table (distinct (mapcat keys rows)) rows))
([ks rows]
[:thead [:tr (for [k ks]
[:th (name k)])]]
[:tbody (for [row rows]
[:tr (for [k ks]
[:td (get row k "-")])])]]))
(s/def ::col-key keyword?)
(s/def ::cell-val string?)
(s/fdef my-table
:args (s/cat :keys (s/? (s/coll-of ::col-key))
:rows (s/coll-of (s/map-of ::col-key ::cell-val))))
(core/add-override ::col-key #(s/gen #{:A :B :C}))
(core/add-override ::cell-val (gen/build-lorem-ipsum-generator 0 16))
(defcard my-table-with-controls
(core/controls (core/sampler #'my-table)))