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Example of utam integration

How to run UI tests in this repo

  • yarn install installs all dependencies
  • yarn build compiles Page Objects
  • yarn test runs test

Example of the UI test that consumes UTAM Page Object is here

Utam dependencies

Utam dependencies to use utam are:

    "devDependencies": {
        "utam": "0.0.1-alpha11",
        "@utam/tmp-pageobjects": "0.0.1-alpha11", 
        "wdio-utam-service": "0.0.1-alpha11"
  • utam is a compiler and is only needed to compile POs
  • @utam/tmp-pageobjects is a package with Page Objects
  • wdio-utam-service is wdio integration, needed for utam to be consumed from any wdio test Technically wdio-utam-service depends on utam, but we recoomend to explicitely put both. wdio-utam-service also has dependencies from wdio version 6.6, but we recommend to override those in your package configuration

Compiler configuration

To configure compiler:

  • copy JSON files to your package with tests inside folder __utam__, for example to packages/myTests/src/__utam__
  • add utam.config.js with module.exports = {}; at the package root
  • add utam compile cli command to build phase:
     "scripts": {
        "build": "yarn compile",
        "compile": "utam -c utam.config.js",
        "test": "wdio"
  • POs will be generated under <package root>/pageObjects/

webdriverio integration using UtamWdioService

IMPORTANT: all POs methods are asynchronious, remember to use async in tests

  • Configure wdio as if you were not using UTAM
  • In wdio config add Utam wdio service:
const { UtamWdioService } = require('wdio-utam-service');
exports.config = {
    services: ['chromedriver', [UtamWdioService, {}]]
  • in a spec file import utam page object from your target folder or from package
  • use global object utam to create/load Utam Page Objects inside your test, ex:
import Login from 'tmp-tests/pageObjects/login';

describe('my test', () => {    
    it('my test method', async () => {
        await browser.url('/');
        const loginPage = await utam.load(Login);
        await loginPage.login('user', 'password');

webdriverio integration without UtamWdioService

If you intend to use utam without starting utam service from wdio config (supported starting version 0.0.1-alpha11) and with Page Objects from the package use method createUtamLoader.

Precompiled Page Objects are available in package @utam/tmp-pageobjects.

import Login from '@utam/tmp-pageobjects';
import { createUtamLoader } from 'wdio-utam-service';

describe('login test example', () => {

    let utamLoader;

    beforeAll('utam loader setup', () => {
        // driver is a wdio BrowserObject created by its runner or by consumer
        utamLoader = createUtamLoader(driver);
    it('login', async () => {
        await driver.url('/');
        const loginPage = await utamLoader.load(Login);
        await loginPage.login('user', 'password');



example of utam integration






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