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Add OMI_environment_sky implementation
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aaronfranke committed Jan 16, 2025
1 parent ab09b56 commit 1631e65
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Showing 52 changed files with 1,804 additions and 6 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Extensions implemented in this repository:

| Extension name | Import | Export | Godot version | Link |
| ------------------------------ | ------ | ------ | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **OMI_environment_sky** | Yes | Yes | 4.4+ | [OMI_environment_sky extension spec]( |
| **OMI_physics_joint** | Yes | Yes | 4.1+ | [OMI_physics_joint extension spec]( |
| **OMI_seat** | Yes | Yes | 4.0+ | [OMI_seat extension spec]( |
| **OMI_spawn_point** | Yes | No | 4.0+ | [OMI_spawn_point extension spec]( |
Expand Down
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions addons/omi_extensions/environment/
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
class_name CubemapSky3D
extends MeshInstance3D

const S = 10 # Size of the skybox mesh.

static var quad_uv := PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(1, 1)])

func _init() -> void:
var array_mesh :=
var surface_array: Array = [
PackedVector3Array([Vector3(S, S, -S), Vector3(S, S, S), Vector3(S, -S, -S), Vector3(S, -S, -S), Vector3(S, S, S), Vector3(S, -S, S)]),
quad_uv, # ARRAY_TEX_UV
null, # ARRAY_TEX_UV2
array_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, surface_array)
surface_array[0] = PackedVector3Array([Vector3(-S, S, S), Vector3(-S, S, -S), Vector3(-S, -S, S), Vector3(-S, -S, S), Vector3(-S, S, -S), Vector3(-S, -S, -S)])
array_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, surface_array)
surface_array[0] = PackedVector3Array([Vector3(S, S, -S), Vector3(-S, S, -S), Vector3(S, S, S), Vector3(S, S, S), Vector3(-S, S, -S), Vector3(-S, S, S)])
array_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, surface_array)
surface_array[0] = PackedVector3Array([Vector3(S, -S, S), Vector3(-S, -S, S), Vector3(S, -S, -S), Vector3(S, -S, -S), Vector3(-S, -S, S), Vector3(-S, -S, -S)])
array_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, surface_array)
surface_array[0] = PackedVector3Array([Vector3(S, S, S), Vector3(-S, S, S), Vector3(S, -S, S), Vector3(S, -S, S), Vector3(-S, S, S), Vector3(-S, -S, S)])
array_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, surface_array)
surface_array[0] = PackedVector3Array([Vector3(-S, S, -S), Vector3(S, S, -S), Vector3(-S, -S, -S), Vector3(-S, -S, -S), Vector3(S, S, -S), Vector3(S, -S, -S)])
array_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, surface_array)
# Set up the materials.
var unlit :=
unlit.shading_mode = BaseMaterial3D.SHADING_MODE_UNSHADED
array_mesh.surface_set_material(0, unlit.duplicate())
array_mesh.surface_set_material(1, unlit.duplicate())
array_mesh.surface_set_material(2, unlit.duplicate())
array_mesh.surface_set_material(3, unlit.duplicate())
array_mesh.surface_set_material(4, unlit.duplicate())
array_mesh.surface_set_material(5, unlit.duplicate())
# Set the surface names.
array_mesh.surface_set_name(0, "+X")
array_mesh.surface_set_name(1, "-X")
array_mesh.surface_set_name(2, "+Y")
array_mesh.surface_set_name(3, "-Y")
array_mesh.surface_set_name(4, "+Z")
array_mesh.surface_set_name(5, "-Z")
mesh = array_mesh
sorting_offset = -1000000000000000.0

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
var camera: Camera3D = get_viewport().get_camera_3d()
if camera:
global_position = camera.global_position

func set_skybox_textures(textures: Array[Texture2D]) -> void:
for i in range(textures.size()):
var mat: StandardMaterial3D = mesh.surface_get_material(i)
if mat:
mat.albedo_texture = textures[i]
mesh.surface_set_material(i, mat)
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions addons/omi_extensions/environment/
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@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
class_name GLTFEnvironmentSky
extends Resource

var ambient_color := Color.BLACK
var ambient_sky_contribution: float = 1.0
var type: String

var gradient_bottom_color := Color(0.2, 0.169, 0.133)
var gradient_bottom_curve: float = 0.02
var gradient_horizon_color := Color(0.646, 0.656, 0.671)
var gradient_top_color := Color(0.385, 0.454, 0.55)
var gradient_top_curve: float = 0.15
var gradient_sun_angle_max: float = 0.5
var gradient_sun_curve: float = 0.15

var panorama_cubemap_indices := PackedInt32Array()
var panorama_cubemap_textures: Array[Texture2D] = []
var panorama_equirectangular_index: int = -1
var panorama_equirectangular_texture: Texture2D = null

var physical_ground_color := Color(0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
var physical_mie_color := Color.WHITE
var physical_mie_scale: float = 0.000005
var physical_mie_anisotropy: float = 0.8
var physical_rayleigh_color := Color(0.3, 0.5, 1.0)
var physical_rayleigh_scale: float = 0.00003

var plain_color := Color.BLACK

static func from_dictionary(dict: Dictionary) -> GLTFEnvironmentSky:
var ret :=
if dict.has("type"):
ret.type = dict["type"]
printerr("GLTFEnvironmentSky: Missing required field 'type'.")
if dict.has("ambientColor"):
var ambient_color: Array = dict["ambientColor"]
ret.ambient_color = Color(ambient_color[0], ambient_color[1], ambient_color[2])
if dict.has("ambientSkyContribution"):
ret.ambient_sky_contribution = dict["ambientSkyContribution"]
if dict.has("gradient"):
var gradient: Dictionary = dict["gradient"]
if gradient.has("bottomColor"):
var bottom_color: Array = gradient["bottomColor"]
ret.gradient_bottom_color = Color(bottom_color[0], bottom_color[1], bottom_color[2])
if gradient.has("bottomCurve"):
ret.gradient_bottom_curve = gradient["bottomCurve"]
if gradient.has("horizonColor"):
var horizon_color: Array = gradient["horizonColor"]
ret.gradient_horizon_color = Color(horizon_color[0], horizon_color[1], horizon_color[2])
if gradient.has("topColor"):
var top_color: Array = gradient["topColor"]
ret.gradient_top_color = Color(top_color[0], top_color[1], top_color[2])
if gradient.has("topCurve"):
ret.gradient_top_curve = gradient["topCurve"]
if gradient.has("sunAngleMax"):
ret.gradient_sun_angle_max = gradient["sunAngleMax"]
if gradient.has("sunCurve"):
ret.gradient_sun_curve = gradient["sunCurve"]
if dict.has("panorama"):
var panorama: Dictionary = dict["panorama"]
if panorama.has("cubemap"):
var cubemap_indices: Array = panorama["cubemap"]
for i in range(cubemap_indices.size()):
ret.panorama_cubemap_indices.set(i, cubemap_indices[i])
if panorama.has("equirectangular"):
ret.panorama_equirectangular_index = panorama["equirectangular"]
if dict.has("physical"):
var physical: Dictionary = dict["physical"]
if physical.has("groundColor"):
var ground_color: Array = physical["groundColor"]
ret.physical_ground_color = Color(ground_color[0], ground_color[1], ground_color[2])
if physical.has("mieAnisotropy"):
ret.physical_mie_anisotropy = physical["mieAnisotropy"]
if physical.has("mieColor"):
var mie_color: Array = physical["mieColor"]
ret.physical_mie_color = Color(mie_color[0], mie_color[1], mie_color[2])
if physical.has("mieScale"):
ret.physical_mie_scale = physical["mieScale"]
if physical.has("rayleighColor"):
var rayleigh_color: Array = physical["rayleighColor"]
ret.physical_rayleigh_color = Color(rayleigh_color[0], rayleigh_color[1], rayleigh_color[2])
if physical.has("rayleighScale"):
ret.physical_rayleigh_scale = physical["rayleighScale"]
if dict.has("plain"):
var plain: Dictionary = dict["plain"]
if plain.has("color"):
var color: Array = plain["color"]
ret.plain_color = Color(color[0], color[1], color[2])
return ret

func to_dictionary() -> Dictionary:
var ret: Dictionary = {
"type": type,
if ambient_color != Color.BLACK:
ret["ambientColor"] = [ambient_color.r, ambient_color.g, ambient_color.b]
if ambient_sky_contribution != 1.0:
ret["ambientSkyContribution"] = ambient_sky_contribution
match type:
var gradient = {
"bottomColor": [gradient_bottom_color.r, gradient_bottom_color.g, gradient_bottom_color.b],
"horizonColor": [gradient_horizon_color.r, gradient_horizon_color.g, gradient_horizon_color.b],
"topColor": [gradient_top_color.r, gradient_top_color.g, gradient_top_color.b],
if gradient_bottom_curve != 0.02:
gradient["bottomCurve"] = gradient_bottom_curve
if gradient_top_curve != 0.15:
gradient["topCurve"] = gradient_top_curve
if gradient_sun_angle_max != 0.5:
gradient["sunAngleMax"] = gradient_sun_angle_max
if gradient_sun_curve != 0.15:
gradient["sunCurve"] = gradient_sun_curve
var engine_version: Dictionary = Engine.get_version_info()
if not (engine_version["major"] == 4 and engine_version["minor"] < 4):
# HACK: Godot 4.3 and earlier does not have sort().
ret["gradient"] = gradient
var panorama: Dictionary = {}
if panorama_cubemap_indices.size() > 0:
panorama["cubemap"] = panorama_cubemap_indices
if panorama_equirectangular_index != -1:
panorama["equirectangular"] = panorama_equirectangular_index
ret["panorama"] = panorama
var physical: Dictionary = {}
if physical_ground_color != Color(0.3, 0.2, 0.1):
physical["groundColor"] = [physical_ground_color.r, physical_ground_color.g, physical_ground_color.b]
if physical_mie_anisotropy != 0.8:
physical["mieAnisotropy"] = physical_mie_anisotropy
if physical_mie_color != Color.WHITE:
physical["mieColor"] = [physical_mie_color.r, physical_mie_color.g, physical_mie_color.b]
if physical_mie_scale != 0.000005:
physical["mieScale"] = physical_mie_scale
if physical_rayleigh_color != Color(0.3, 0.5, 1.0):
physical["rayleighColor"] = [physical_rayleigh_color.r, physical_rayleigh_color.g, physical_rayleigh_color.b]
if physical_rayleigh_scale != 0.00003:
physical["rayleighScale"] = physical_rayleigh_scale
ret["physical"] = physical
if plain_color != Color.BLACK:
ret["plain"] = {"color": [plain_color.r, plain_color.g, plain_color.b]}
return ret

static func from_environment(env: Environment) -> GLTFEnvironmentSky:
var ret :=
ret.ambient_color = env.ambient_light_color
ret.ambient_sky_contribution = env.ambient_light_sky_contribution
var bg_mode: Environment.BGMode = env.background_mode
match bg_mode:
ret.type = "plain"
ret.plain_color = ProjectSettings.get_setting("rendering/environment/defaults/default_clear_color", Color())
return ret
ret.type = "plain"
ret.plain_color = env.background_color
return ret
var sky: Sky =
if sky == null:
return ret
var sky_material: Material = sky.sky_material
if sky_material is ProceduralSkyMaterial:
ret.type = "gradient"
var procedural_sky: ProceduralSkyMaterial = sky_material
ret.gradient_bottom_color = procedural_sky.ground_bottom_color
ret.gradient_bottom_curve = procedural_sky.ground_curve
ret.gradient_horizon_color = procedural_sky.ground_horizon_color
ret.gradient_top_color = procedural_sky.sky_top_color
ret.gradient_top_curve = procedural_sky.sky_curve
ret.gradient_sun_angle_max = deg_to_rad(procedural_sky.sun_angle_max)
ret.gradient_sun_curve = procedural_sky.sun_curve
elif sky_material is PanoramaSkyMaterial:
ret.type = "panorama"
var panorama_sky: PanoramaSkyMaterial = sky_material
if panorama_sky.panorama != null and panorama_sky.panorama.resource_name.is_empty():
panorama_sky.panorama.resource_name = panorama_sky.panorama.resource_path.get_file().get_basename()
ret.panorama_equirectangular_texture = panorama_sky.panorama
elif sky_material is PhysicalSkyMaterial:
ret.type = "physical"
var physical_sky: PhysicalSkyMaterial = sky_material
ret.physical_ground_color = physical_sky.ground_color
ret.physical_mie_anisotropy = physical_sky.mie_eccentricity
ret.physical_mie_color = physical_sky.mie_color
ret.physical_mie_scale = physical_sky.mie_coefficient / 1000
ret.physical_rayleigh_color = physical_sky.rayleigh_color
ret.physical_rayleigh_scale = physical_sky.rayleigh_coefficient / 100000
return ret

func to_environment() -> Environment:
var ret :=
# Set up the environment with the defaults from the editor environment.
ret.tonemap_mode = Environment.TONE_MAPPER_FILMIC
ret.glow_enabled = true
# Set up the environment with the sky settings from this environment.
ret.ambient_light_color = ambient_color
ret.ambient_light_sky_contribution = ambient_sky_contribution
var sky :=
match type:
var procedural_sky :=
procedural_sky.ground_bottom_color = gradient_bottom_color
procedural_sky.ground_curve = gradient_bottom_curve
procedural_sky.ground_horizon_color = gradient_horizon_color
procedural_sky.sky_horizon_color = gradient_horizon_color
procedural_sky.sky_top_color = gradient_top_color
procedural_sky.sky_curve = gradient_top_curve
procedural_sky.sun_angle_max = rad_to_deg(gradient_sun_angle_max)
procedural_sky.sun_curve = gradient_sun_curve
sky.sky_material = procedural_sky
var panorama_sky :=
panorama_sky.panorama = panorama_equirectangular_texture
sky.sky_material = panorama_sky
var physical_sky :=
physical_sky.ground_color = physical_ground_color
physical_sky.mie_eccentricity = physical_mie_anisotropy
physical_sky.mie_color = physical_mie_color
physical_sky.mie_coefficient = physical_mie_scale * 1000
physical_sky.rayleigh_color = physical_rayleigh_color
physical_sky.rayleigh_coefficient = physical_rayleigh_scale * 100000
sky.sky_material = physical_sky
ret.background_mode = Environment.BG_COLOR
ret.background_color = plain_color
return ret
ret.background_mode = Environment.BG_SKY = sky
return ret

static func from_node(node: WorldEnvironment) -> GLTFEnvironmentSky:
if node != null and node.environment != null:
return from_environment(node.environment)
return null

func to_node() -> Node:
var world_env := = &"WorldEnvironment"
world_env.environment = to_environment()
if panorama_cubemap_textures.size() >= 6:
var cubemap_mi: CubemapSky3D = _make_cubemap_mesh()
return cubemap_mi
return world_env

func _make_cubemap_mesh() -> CubemapSky3D:
var mesh_instance := = &"CubemapSky3D"
return mesh_instance

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