This platform allows you to open up an account and log all the expenses. As a result you will get to know
- How much money you save based on your monthly income
- Graphical representation of your activities to help you limit the expenses. Also download the chart as an image for future reference
- Tabular data of previously saved record and download the data as CSV format.
- A gentle warning if your expenses over the income.
This is Full stack application with multi pages like - Home, Registration, Login and Budget page. ** Profile page will come soon
- Few form fields as Input box to collect user's data.
- A dropdown where user need to choose expense category.
- A table to show result. This table has basic features like - Sort, Filter, Show/Hide columns.
We are exploring following tech stack to build responsive UI.
- Front-end
HTML5, React-material UI, SCSS, React, React Hooks, React Router DOM, Echart
- Back-end
Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB
-Module Builder
Node, NPM
- Follow AA standard accessibility compliance.
- Download expense data table in excel format.
- Print the expense data table.
- Add french language toggle option at page level.
- Add page to show and edit User profile.