It's too tidious to reassign unchanged frame values everytime you want to move your UIView, even though you only change a single parameter. UIView-Move supplies helper getter/setter methods for these situations.
Copy UIView-Move.h and UIView-Move.m files to your project. Or use Cocoapods
pod 'UIView-Move'
Import category to the class you want to use it in, or
#import "UIView+Move.h"
//Creating a black square to test on
UIView *view = [UIView new];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
[someView addSubview:view];
//Moving our view around
view.x = 200;
view.y = 250;
view.width = 150;
view.height = 150;
You can position your view relative its parent's frame
//Following lines will position our rectangle at the center of it's super
view.left = view.superview.width/2.0 - view.width/2.0; = view.superview.height/2.0 - view.height/2.0;
//This will snap the box to bottom right of superviews frame
view.right = 0;
view.bottom = 0;
//Animates the box to the top left
[UIView animateWithDuration:1 animations:^{ = 0;
view.x = 0;
Or you can position the view's center relative to center of it's parent frame
//Places view to middle of its parent
view.midX = 0;
view.midY = 0;