A module for getting the current average gas price of ethereum transactions.
npm install eth-gas-price-suggestor -S
const Eth = require('ethjs');
const provider = new Eth.HttpProvider('https://mainnet.infura.io');
const BlockTracker = require('eth-block-tracker')
const Suggestor = require('eth-gas-price-suggestor')
const blockTracker = new BlockTracker({ provider })
const suggestor = new Suggestor({
historyLength: 10, // number of blocks to average, default 20.
defaultPrice: 20000000000, // In case of network error. Default 20 gwei.
setInterval(async function() {
try {
const suggested = await suggestor.currentAverage()
console.log('CURRENT SUGGESTION in GWEI: ' + Eth.fromWei(suggested, 'gwei'))
} catch (e) {
console.log('failed: ', e)
}, 10000)