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Where ADE stores information

Jim Caffrey edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 1 revision

Where ADE stores the information it has processed

ADE creates a summary of the Linux log which it processes and stores the summary of the Linux logs in multiple places.

Structure of ADE

ADE results from analyze

ADE writes the xml results (output) to the file system. The xml results are written to different directories organized by system name and time period (day).

To find the results for a specific date (period) - helpful when you are unsure as to when the problem started

  • Go to the output directory you specified in setup.props
  • Go to the system name which contains the systems of interest
  • Go to the date of interest
  • Select the index.xml file and examine the results using a web browser

To find the results for a specific hour (interval)

  • Go to the output directory you specified in setup.props ade.analysisOutputPath
  • Go to the system name which contains the systems of interest
  • Go to the date of interest
  • Go to sub directory intervals
  • Determine which interval_nnn.xml to use with the following formula ( convert the time to 24 hour clock, multiply the hours time 60 and add the minutes, divide the result by 10 and subtract 1 from the results to get the correct nnn value)
  • Select the interval_nnn.xml file and examine the results using a web browser

For more details see How the ADE output is organization - Directory Structure

ADE information summarized in database

ADE stores control information and summaries of the logs in a JDBC compliant network database which is defined in the setup.props file by ade.databaseUrl. The tables are defined in . The following information is stored in the database

Table Name Information Stored in Table
MESSAGE_IDS key to link similar messages together for analysis
COMPONENT_IDS component name extracted from log
ADE uses component id to partition the populate of message strings into smaller groups
the message string from a component is compared with other message strings from that same component to find similar messages that should be assigned the same message id
TEXT_CLUSTERS contains the message strings which have been group together and is used to determine what  message id a new message string should have
SOURCES contains the name of the Linux system extracted from the Linux log
GROUPS contains the name of the model group to which different Linux systems have been assigned
RULES contains the rules which are used  to assign a Linux system to a model group
MODELS describes the model created during training
includes when the model was created and the time period included in the model
points to the file stored in the file system that contains the details of system behavior identified during training
PERIODS contains information about a time period - usually a day
defines the start and end time for period
PERIOD_SUMMARIES contains information about the type of information available (summary_type_interval) specified in flowlayout.xml
INTERVALS contains information about an interval - time slice within a period
defines the start and end time for the interval
MESSAGE_SUMMARIES contains a summary that describes each message id issued during an interval
ANALYSIS_RESULTS contains a summary of each interval analyzed

Summary of Expected behavior stored in file system

There are two types of expected behavior stored in the filesystem:

  • A summary of the expected behavior of a model group is stored in a .bin file in the models subdirectory. For the default flowlayout.xml, the .bin files are stored in output/model/event_log_model_n.bin.
  • A summary of the periodicity of the monitored Linux system is stored in a .ser file with the output from analyze. The file is created during analyze to track when messages are issued. This information is used to determine if messages are periodic.