UI for OpenMusic drum machine instrument
Do npm install openmusic-drum-machine-ui
You need to load the module first (with require
) and then register it--it is not automatically registered!
But you could even register it with other name, for example:
Up to you.
Either create an instance in mark-up:
or via document.createElement
var el = document.createElement('openmusic-drum-machine-ui');
Although it's pretty useless without an actual machine to control! So you need to attach it to a drum machine instance:
var DrumMachine = require('openmusic-drum-machine');
var context = new AudioContext();
var machine = DrumMachine(context);
// You need to wait until the machine is ready to be used.
machine.ready().then(function() {
Have a look at demo/main.js
for an example that demonstrates how to use this component with the Web Audio drum machine instrument.