Tacos and Transit is an idea from Open San Diego to create an interactive map of Taco Shops in San Diego, and illustrate their accessibility by public transit.
- Contrast things San Diego is often considered the best at (Tacos), and the worst at (Public Transit).
- Highlight public transit accessibility to something very integral to San Diego culture / experience
- Have an excuse to make a master list of taco shops, yum yum!
Prototype / Exploration
Pleaes review INSTALL.txt
- Taco Shop Listing
- Taco Shop Scores / Info
- Interactive Map
- Time-To-Taco (get directions, but with public transit to taco shop - stretch goal)
This is under consideration
- Python Scripts (for data gathering / processing ) - Possibly Jupyter for data calculation?
- Javascript / HTML (for interactive web interface)
- Webpack (for managing web interface)
NOTE: we may want to either build the web interface as part of this project repo, or have it a common tool in opensandiego.github.io that we then use to pull in geoJSON features. TBD
- Identify source(s) for Taco Shop listing
- Automate pull of transit stop data, identify different values (e.g. agency) and what that means
- Create scoring system for Taco Shop accessibility - ideally find existing literature on how to score a location by accessibility to public transit (if not - ideas might be distance from transit stop and frequency of service, or time to travel from major hubs)
- Export GeoJSON for import into overlay JS
- Build out Interactive Map*
- A tertiary goal of this project is to create a common interactive data map or Open San Diego, where visitors can explore Open Data in San Diego, and OSD can showcase its projects, initiatives, and research.