The image generated by this repository contributes a ConfigMap to an OpenShift release image that instructs the cluster version operator to verify updates using the provided keys and stores before performing updates.
The config map must have the annotation
which instructs the cluster version operator to verify payloads against OpenPGP signatures in the atomic container signature format.
The keys within the config map define how verification is performed:
verifier-public-key-*: One or more GPG public keys in ASCII form that must have signed the
release image by digest.
store-*: A URL (scheme file://, http://, or https://) location that contains signatures. These
signatures are in the atomic container signature format. The URL will have the digest
of the image appended to it as "<STORE>/<ALGO>=<DIGEST>/signature-<NUMBER>" as described
in the container image signing format. The docker-image-manifest section of the
signature must match the release image digest. Signatures are searched starting at
NUMBER 1 and incrementing if the signature exists but is not valid. The signature is a
GPG signed and encrypted JSON message. The file store is provided for testing only at
the current time, although future versions of the CVO might allow host mounting of
See for a description of the signature store.
The OpenShift CI system uses the public key described here and signs releases at once they are created. Nightly and OKD builds are signed with CI release key and signatures updated to openshift-ci-release GCS bucket/. Official OCP builds are signed with Red Hat release key, signatures uploaded to openshift-release GCS bucket and mirrored to