…i*: Switch on BRANCH for RHCOS AMI
As discussed in dc26075 (ci-operator/templates/openshift/installer:
Bump AWS UPI to RHCOS 43.81.201911221453.0, 2019-12-02, openshift#6192), we
want a way to switch on the z stream when selecting the RHCOS AMI. We
amight also need this if other parts of the recommended
user-provided-infrastructure flow diverge between z streams, although
at the moment the AMI is the only divergence.
In this commit, I'm sourcing my AMIs with:
$ git cat-file -p origin/release-4.1:data/data/rhcos.json | jq -r '.amis["us-east-1"].hvm'
$ git cat-file -p origin/release-4.2:data/data/rhcos.json | jq -r '.amis["us-east-1"].hvm'
$ git cat-file -p origin/release-4.3:data/data/rhcos.json | jq -r '.amis["us-east-1"].hvm'
$ git cat-file -p origin/master:data/data/rhcos.json | jq -r '.amis["us-east-1"].hvm'
as the installer stood at 2019-12-04T23:30Z. Comparing with the user-facing docs:
$ git --no-pager grep -hA1 us-east-1 origin/enterprise-4.1:modules/installation-aws-user-infra-rhcos-ami.adoc
$ git --no-pager grep -hA1 us-east-1 origin/enterprise-4.2:modules/installation-aws-user-infra-rhcos-ami.adoc
$ git --no-pager grep -hA1 us-east-1 origin/enterprise-4.3:modules/installation-aws-user-infra-rhcos-ami.adoc
$ git --no-pager grep -hA1 us-east-1 origin/enterprise-4.4:modules/installation-aws-user-infra-rhcos-ami.adoc
fatal: Invalid object name 'origin/enterprise-4.4'.
$ git --no-pager grep -hA1 us-east-1 origin/master:modules/installation-aws-user-infra-rhcos-ami.adoc
So we currently diverge for 4.3 and master, where I have [1,2] open to
close the gaps.
The BRANCH environment variable has been around since 22e30ea (The
release promotion periodic can be conditional and no-op if no change,
2019-04-30, openshift#3649). I added it to all jobs based on the UPI template
where it was missing (it was already on a number of those jobs).
[1]: openshift/openshift-docs#18396
[2]: openshift/openshift-docs#18395