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Merge pull request #6 from ora-io/dev
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murongg authored Aug 21, 2024
2 parents 64ce151 + c3829f2 commit 903a7fc
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@

## What is ORA STACK
ORA Stack is a comprehensive framework designed for quickly setting up a web3 Oracle Service.
ORA Stack is a comprehensive framework designed for quickly setting up a robust web3 Oracle Service.

It includes:
- [Orap](./packages/orap/): the declarative signal-based backend framework;
- [Reku](./packages/reku/): the reliable ethereum toolkit and utils;
- [Utils](./packages/utils/): the common swiss-knife package.
- [Orap](./packages/orap/): A Declarative Robust Oracle Backend Framework
- [Reku](./packages/reku/): A Reliable Ethereum Kit & Utils
- [Utils](./packages/utils/): A Common Swiss-knife Utils Package

Comming soon:
- UAO: the async oracle framework
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "ora-stack",
"version": "0.0.8",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"packageManager": "[email protected]",
"description": "",
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275 changes: 250 additions & 25 deletions packages/orap/
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ORAP is a declarative framework for building oracle services, handy to use out of the box.

## Owl The Rapper
> Show me you `Flow`s, I'll help you `assemble` to `Verse`s, which compose into a `Orap`.
> `drop` the `Beat`s, let's `play`!
`Orap` provides 2 styles of usage:
- OO Style (Basic):
- Use this framework as a basic tool set.
- example: [customDemo](./examples/customDemo)
- it's more flexible but cumbersome somehow.
- e.g. you can use your own storage other than Redis and Memory, e.g. mysql etc., for caching.
- you can define your own Task structure and handle workflow.
- Declarative Style (Rap-lized):
- Use this as a declarative *Rap-lized* framework, writing oracle services just like rapping! **Coding Like a Rapper**
- example: [declarativeDemo](./examples/declarativeDemo)
- it's way more easy to implement, `Orap` handles most of the common part, e.g. signal handle, task defining, task caching, task fetch and processing, multitasks processing, etc., while it may sacrifice flexibility in some way.

Back in the scene, there are 2 internal layers in `Orap`:

- Basic Layer:
- mainly referring to the `Signal`, `StoreManager`, and `Task`, where the concepts are self-explained in engineering context.
- it can be used directly by users.
- *Rap-lized* Layer:
- mainly referring to the `Flow`, `Verse`, and `Beat`, where the concepts are introduced by `Orap` only.
- it helps to build the declarative functionality, which is way easier for users and save some developers.
- it mostly for internal developing purpose, and ~~should be~~ easy to scale and extend, though user also has access to them if they want.

> About Multi-chain: Currently Each `Orap` listens to only 1 blockchain network by design, similar to http servers. Create multiple `Orap` instances to implement multi-chain listener.
> Suggest to include network in task `prefix()`, to avoid key collision in cache store

## Usage

### Declarative Style (Rap-lized)

It comes with rich features like customized task cache, multitasks handling etc.

Note the following already includes using Redis as the store to cache tasks, allowing continuation after service restart, it's robust even when the service restarts.

import { ListenOptions, Orap, StoreManager } from '../../orap'
import { memoryStore, redisStore } from '../../utils'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import { Orap, StoreManager } from '@orap-io/orap'
import { Logger, redisStore } from '@ora-io/utils'

// new orap
const orap = new Orap()

// use redis
const store = redisStore()
const sm = new StoreManager(store)

// use a logger
const logger = new Logger('info', '[orap-raplize-sample]')

const handle1 = (...args: any) => { logger.log('handle task 1', args); return true }

const handle2 = (...args: any) => { logger.log('handle task 2', args); return true }

// define event signal with crosscheck, and customized cacheable tasks
// note: use redis as the cache layer
// add a task
.prefix('ora-stack:orap:raplizeSample:Task-1:', 'ora-stack:orap:raplizeSample:Done-Task-1:')
.ttl({ taskTtl: 120000, doneTtl: 60000 })
// add another task
.prefix('ora-stack:orap:raplizeSample:Task-2:', 'ora-stack:orap:raplizeSample:Done-Task-2:')
.ttl({ taskTtl: 120000, doneTtl: 60000 })

// set logger before listen

// start signal listeners
wsProvider: new ethers.WebSocketProvider('wss://'),
httpProvider: new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('')
() => { console.log('listening on') }

#### Orap Flow

Each `new Orap()` starts a `Orap Flow`

**.event(eventSignalParam, handlFn)**
- `eventSignalParam`: defines an event signal and enters an Event Flow
- `handlFn`: customized hook on new event received.
- `return true` to continue the rest of processes
- `return false` to hijack the rest of processes

**.listen(options, onListenFn?)**
- `options`:
- required: wsProvider, for subscription
- optional: httpProvider, for crosscheck only, since crosscheck is based on getLogs
- `onListenFn`: customized hook when listener started.

- set which logger to use across this orap

#### Event Flow

Each `.event(...)` starts an `Event Flow`

- set an automated crosschecker for this event, to ensure the missing events of subscription will always be caught by `getLogs`.
- this can mitigate the common unstable nature of WebSocket rpc providers and increase the service availability.

- add a task for this event type
- starts a `Task Flow`

- same as `.event(.., handlFn)`
- `handlFn`: customized hook on new event received.
- `return true` to continue the rest of processes
- `return false` to hijack the rest of processes

- back to the parent `Orap Flow`, so that it can add another `.event`
- e.g. `orap.event(...).another().event(...)`

#### Task Flow

Each `.task(...)` starts a `Task Flow`

**.handle(handler: HandleFn)**
- set the task handler, the most important property for a task.
- `return true` to identify handle success, and entering `onSuccess`
- `return false` to identify handle failed, and entering `onSuccess`

**.cache(sm: StoreManager)**
- set the store to cache the tasks
- default: use memory as the cache layer

**.prefix(taskPrefix: Prefix, donePrefix: Prefix)**
- set the prefix of tasks in the store cache for management
- `donePrefix`: prefix of 'todo' tasks records
- `donePrefix`: prefix of 'done' tasks records
- default: "Task:" & "Done-Task:"

**.ttl({ taskTtl, doneTtl }: { taskTtl: number; doneTtl: number })**
- set the ttl of tasks in the store cache for management
- `donePrefix`: ttl of 'todo' tasks records
- `donePrefix`: ttl of 'done' tasks records
- default: no limit

**.key(toKey: ToKeyFn)**
- defines the primary key of a task based on the event values (i.e. log topics)
- default: random hex string

**.success(onSuccess: HandleResultFn)**
- defines how to process the task if the handler success
- default: remove the 'todo' task from & set the 'done' task record to the cache store

**.fail(onFail: HandleResultFn)**
- defines how to process the task if the handler success
- default: remove the 'todo' task from (ignore task)

**.context(ctx: Context)**
- optional: set the context that can be accessed to task functions

- back to the parent `Event Flow`, so that it can add another `.task`
- e.g. `orap.event(...).task().another().task()`

### OO Style (Basic)

Note the following doesn't include task cache, it only calls `handle` every time it receives an event. So this service is only for demo, don't use it for production, otherwise it may miss events when service down.

import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import { Orap } from '@orap-io/orap'

const orap = new Orap()
// const sm = new StoreManager(redisStore(...)) // use redis
const sm = new StoreManager() // use memory

const eventSignalParam = {
address: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
Expand All @@ -44,37 +221,85 @@ orap.event(eventSignalParam, handle)
.crosscheck({ pollingInterval: 1000, batchBlocksCount: 1, blockInterval: 12000 })

{ wsProvider: 'wss://', httpProvider: '' },
wsProvider: new ethers.WebSocketProvider('wss://'),
httpProvider: new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('')
() => { console.log('listening on') }

### listen options
- required: wsProvider, for subscription
- optional: httpProvider, for crosscheck only, since crosscheck is based on getLogs
## *Rap-lized* Layer

## Task
The following terminology is internally, can be transparent to users.

### TaskBase
- provide universal `toString`, `fromString`, `stringify`
- A `Orap` compromises multiple `Verses` as the processors;
- Some `Verses` includes `Beat`s, which define the pace and the incoming signals that triggering task handling in Orap.
- For users want to build a `Orap`: only need to define `Flow`s **intuitively**, the Owl Rapper will take care of all the rest things.

### TaskStorable
- provide store (redis) compatible features, i.e. load, save, remove, done
- overwrite when extends:
- `toKey()` (required): define the primary key that identifies each task, **doesn't** include `taskPrefix`
- `taskPrefix` (recommend): set the prefix of all tasks, also is used when `load` task
- `taskPrefixDone` (recommend): set the prefix of finished tasks, only used in `done`; no need to set if you don't use "task.done(sm)"

## Signal
- `Flow`:
- handling user-defined option flows,
- e.g. user can define following flows:
new Orap().event(..).crosscheck()
- `Flow.assemble()`:
- wrap up the `Flow` definition and build a `Verse` based on it.
- `Verse`:
- equivalent to an executor/processor of the corresponding `Flow`.
- ``:
- equivalent to start/launch the executor/processor.
- `Beat`:
- a wrap of the `Signal`, which defines the incoming triggers that initiate the runtime process flow
- e.g. `EventBeat` defines the event listener
- `Beat` wraps `Signal` into a uniformed class with only the `constructor` and `drop()`, easy for `Verse` to handle
- **Beats Drives the Song!**
- `Beat.drop()`:
- start the `Signal` listener process.
- **Drop the Beats!**

all actions that arrive the oracle server and trigger actions are defined as signal, including:
- [x] event
- [ ] block
## Basic Layer

Basic Layer currently consists of 3 parts:
- `Signal` defines the incoming trigger types
- `Task` defines the task types that handles signals
- `StorageManager` defines the cache interface, allowing tasks to be cached

### Signal

All events that arrive the oracle service and trigger following actions are defined as `Signal`, including:
- [x] `EventSignal`
- [ ] `BlockSignal`
- [ ] http request

### EventSignal
- define event listener as simple as: `orap.event({address:"0x", abi:"", eventName: "Transfer"}, handleSignal)`
- provide crosschecker by `reku`, available config please checkout `AutoCrossCheckParam` in `reku`
- currently one and only one crosschecker is set to each event signal
- store: provide 2 options: use memory or redis, checkout `orap/store`
- natively integrate `crosschecker` features from [@ora-io/reku](, available config please check out `AutoCrossCheckParam` in `reku`
- each event signal only accept at most one crosschecker.
- `callback`: the user provided handle function to handle the new signals.
### Task
- provide universal `toString`, `fromString`, `stringify`
- provide store compatible features, i.e. load, save, remove, done
- overwrite when extends:
- `toKey()` (required): define the primary key that identifies each task, **doesn't** include `taskPrefix`
- `taskPrefix` (recommend): set the prefix of all tasks, also is used when `load` task
- `taskPrefixDone` (recommend): set the prefix of finished tasks, only used in `done`; no need to set if you don't use "task.done(sm)"
### StorageManager
- a wrap class designed for caching tasks in Orap
- `store`: the store entity, currently provides 2 options: use memory or redis, checkout `orap/store`
- `queryDelay`: when doing retry-able operations, e.g. get all keys with the given prefix, this defines the interval between retries.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions packages/orap/beat/event.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import type { Logger } from '@ora-io/utils'
import type { AutoCrossCheckParam, Providers } from '@ora-io/reku'
import type { EventSignalCallback, EventSignalRegisterParams } from '../signal'
import { EventSignal } from '../signal'

* Beat is Rap-lized, i.e. formalized in Orap framework, version of Signal
* only Signals have corresponding Beat class, task & orap don't have
export class EventBeat extends EventSignal {
params: EventSignalRegisterParams,
callback: EventSignalCallback,
logger: Logger,
crosscheckOptions: Omit<AutoCrossCheckParam, 'address' | 'topics' | 'onMissingLog'> | undefined,
private subscribeProvider: Providers,
private crosscheckProvider: Providers | undefined,
) {
super(params, callback, logger, crosscheckOptions)

drop() {
this.listen(this.subscribeProvider, this.crosscheckProvider)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/orap/beat/index.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
export type { EventBeat } from './event'
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Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ import { TransferTask } from './taskTransfer'

// new orap
const orap = new Orap()
// set to app specific logger

let store: any
let sm: any

export function startDemo(options: ListenOptions, storeConfig?: any) {
export function startCustomDemo(options: ListenOptions, storeConfig?: any) {
store = redisStore(storeConfig) // use redis
// store = memoryStore(storeConfig); // use memory
sm = new StoreManager(store)
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File renamed without changes.
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Expand Up @@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ export class TransferTask extends TaskStorable {

static async load<T extends TaskStorable>(this: Constructor<T>, sm: any): Promise<T> {
const task = await (this as any)._load(sm)
logger.log('[*] load task', task.toKey())
logger.log('[*] load task', await task.toKey())
return task

async done(sm: any) {
logger.log('[*] done task', this.toKey())
logger.log('[*] done task', await this.toKey())
await super.done(sm)

async remove(sm: any) {
logger.log('[*] remove task', this.toKey())
logger.log('[*] remove task', await this.toKey())
await super.remove(sm)

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